View Full Version : What to expect at first counselling appointment nervous

06-10-15, 01:37
Hey there apologise if this is in the wrong section . Admin feel free to move it . I have suffers from health anxitey and panic attacks and have been diagnosed with GAD. I have my first therapy session this Thursday and feeling slightly nervous what should I expect during the first session . Will she asked questions or will I just talk . Has anyone found this helpful or that works . I'm not getting my hopes up

11-10-15, 06:32
How did it go?

I found my assessment was just me talking and her asking some questions about what I did, how I thought, what led up to this, etc plus some standard background stuff e.g. any family issues in the past, substance abuse, etc.

The first CBT session was more her explaining about what she wanted to do, what she thought needed doing and setting some basic homework to gather more information e.g. list of rituals, some steps towards things I would want to get past and what the barriers were, etc.