View Full Version : Lymphoma scare

06-10-15, 02:58
Hi I'm 21 years old and I have parable lymph nodes in groin neck and armpit they are all about pea size or smaller and very movable. I have one in armpit which worries me about 2 cms big and movable. This one is newer about 10 months and haven't grown the others ones about 8 have been there for 7-9 years Id say. I have very bad fear I have lymphoma because I have no symptoms or other things that would cause parable nodes. Online it says it you should not be able to feel as well its concern to have in multiple regions. Some one help me please :weep:

06-10-15, 03:03
Why not go back and re-visit the previous threads you posted on the same subject?

Positive thoughts

06-10-15, 03:33
Just like you mate I am scared of this too I am having lump in my armpit irritation in eyes pain everywhere, my blood test came all normal except last one which says viral I am freaking out here