View Full Version : Massive Panic Attack

06-10-15, 11:21
So I thought things were going well.

One of my problems is being around large structures away from my comfort zone (i.e. away from my local area)

So yesterday I had a meeting in a large city, I planned my route last Friday , booked my parking and got myself all geared up... (I like to know what i'm doing!) I thought I could handle it because things were going well.

I think subconsciously its been playing on my mind all weekend, I was jittery driving there (this is usual as this is another of my issues!)

I parked, walked out the underground car park to be greeted by high buildings, and bang. Jelly legs and an overwhelming feeling of fear (fear of what I don't know!). I rushed all the way to my meeting, and got there a sweaty out of breath mess. I drag my legs and shuffle when i'm nervous and from the outside I must look a right mess!. I settled down after 5 minutes or so, but then the scenario started again when I had to leave to get back to the car.

Once in the car (my safe zone) im generally ok.

Anybody else have these feelings.....

06-10-15, 14:22
I feel like I could have written that post!
I know exactly how you feel as I'm struggling with the same feelings of dread and panic if I know I need to go to a place that's out of my comfort zone. For instance, I feel alright going to and from work (even though I did get panicky walking to and from there initially), a friend's place, the shops, etc. as they are all familiar locations.
However, if I am to go somewhere that's a bit further away, like on the other side of town or (God forbid) a nearby town or city, I get overwhelmed with anxiety. :(

I also instantly calm down when I get back in my car, but rush to my location and end up arriving there out of breath, like I've just run a marathon.

I reckon you had unknowingly raising your anxiety levels by thinking about going to the meeting, which is why you ended up experiencing the panic attack. It's what happens to me all the time. I think and think and overthink, which results in my anxiety going through the roof, and then , of course, panic attacks follow. I wish I could stop doing that, but it's difficult for me to control my thoughts. I also wish I could give you some advice on how to do it yourself, but I'm afraid I've got nothing as I still haven't figured this whole thinking business out :)

06-10-15, 14:38
First of all well done you for getting there and attending your meeting. Managing to get out of your safe zone was amazing. My safe zone is my home (agoraphobia) and even just going a half mile to the town gives me horrendous panic attacks. Each time I do it it gets slightly easier but the build up to doing it is horrendous. Because you meticulously planned before hand maybe that's what happened to you as well. I try not to let each bad experience be the "blueprint" for further ventures. Really hard but I know this is the only way. Maybe if you listened to music from the car to meeting and back again you could concentrate on that rather than looking at the scary environment. Once again well done you

---------- Post added at 14:38 ---------- Previous post was at 14:32 ----------

Yeah ana .I agree I wish we could find a way to stop the over thinking that raises our level of anxiety. I too got no ideas about that if anyone has please let us know!!!!!!!

07-10-15, 13:51
Jay, it's really difficult to not let the bad experiences affect you, I can relate to what you're saying with regard them being the 'blueprint' for future ventures. Every panic attack is a trauma of sorts so it's only natural for your mind to try and keep you from not experiencing the trauma again. Thus, you resist going to those places that you've had a panic attack in.
However, it's crucial (and tremendously difficult!) to keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Perhaps try and venture a bit further on out while with a friend who can keep you distracted, and then once you've made it back home, reflect on the experience and give yourself a pat on the back for having done so well. :)

As for the over thinking, I guess the only way is to try thinking about other things and staying focused (thinking about work helps me) and going out with the attitude of 'so what if I have a panic attack? The world's not going to end!'