View Full Version : Constant throat mucus (with bits?)

06-10-15, 12:41
I've had on and off days of constant mucus in the back of my throat since last winter's flu season. At the time I came down with a pretty bad cold, had to take a few days off from work to self medicate and recover. But now it seems I have annoying phlegm in my throat all the time (and it's def. not post nasal drip), some days better some days worse - it is almost always either clear or white-ish, but just now I spat some out and it had a yellow bit in it?

I've tried to google an answer and most things say it's something like chronic irritation or chronic bronchitis etc (one page said it could be lung cancer but even I think that's stretching it a bit?), but I don't have a cough or chest pains or any of the common symptoms? It did seem to me a couple of weeks ago that one of my tonsils was covered in white (not swollen though)? GP said we'd look into this later as I'm trying to deal with other health symptoms at the mo.

Any idea what this could be and any home remedies? :shrug:

11-10-15, 18:22
Bumping this because this is still annoying me pretty much daily :shrug:

12-10-15, 10:22
Well, just woke up and first thing in the morning I got this nasty yellow sputum and it's freaking me out. The net's conclussion is that it could be chronic chest infection, but I don't think I have any other symptoms, apart from a prickly throat from time to time? :doh: Should I bother to go to a GP quickly for this?

13-10-15, 00:17
I get this a lot as well. Couldn't hurt to make a non-urgent appointment with your GP. They can listen to your lungs to see if there's any build up. I get this a lot too though, some days better than others. Try using a saline spray to moisturize your nasal passages. Sounds like Post Nasal Drip maybe.

14-10-15, 12:50
I echo 'Lifelongs thoughts about the GP. Just tell him or her to get them checked over if you are worried.

However in my experience you don't have anything to worry about at all. I once had phlegm from a cold for ages also, but mine was green a lot of days. If you want even more disgusting information i once quit smoking (only a few cigarettes a week!) and coughed up thick, sometimes dark brown phlegm for months too! Yummy.

So seriously, nothing to worry about, but do make sure you check with your GP, as no-one on here can give you a perfect conclusion or diagnosis. If he says you have other things to check first, just make sure he knows this is important and can he/she please check this as it is bothering you a lot.

Furthermore the golden rule, don't ever try and self diagnose from google! Unless its for a pet maybe :D

17-10-15, 12:16
Thanks for the replies guys. It's just really bugging me because it shouldn't be there and I don't have any direct links to connect it to - apart from the winter flu which was in what, January? And it's mid october now. Surely I wouldn't have symptoms THIS long down the line? And I've never touched a cig in my life, so that's one less thing to worry about :D

17-10-15, 12:41
GlazedOwl, get yourself some 'Manuka Honey 10+'. Clears up chest infections and lingering colds and viruses. :) I had mine for 6 months!!!!!
But, it always a good idea to see a GP anyway to put your Mind at rest, but try and stay away from 'Mr Google'! :)

17-10-15, 13:18
Carnation, I've seen Manuka honey in the shops, do you know what's the difference between it and regular honey? If I manage to get a jar of the stuff, how much of the stuff and for how long should I use it? :)

17-10-15, 13:34
It acts like an antibiotic, but it must be 10+ and it is NOT cheap! You can sometimes get a 2 for 1 at some health shops and they recommend to take for 6- 8 weeks to be totally clear. As you know these viruses/flu/colds have a habit of coming back, because they did not totally clear up. One jar did me, but I took the 2 for 1 offer.
Local honey is also good for you on toast and stuff, but not as powerful as Manuka.
I was coughing up white, yellow, green and brown mucus before going on to this.
I also got my energy back. :)

17-10-15, 13:59
Ah don't worry, I'm aware of the prices - on the steep side, definitely :) But I guess you often have to pay up for quality, and you'd probably pay as much if you were buying pills anyway? How did you take yours by the way? Was it like a spoon a day, did you put it in tea or something?

17-10-15, 14:12
I took it raw. I only took a teaspoon a day, but I think they recommend a dessert spoon. It is very sweet and quite yummy. :)

17-10-15, 14:48
I'm not a huge fan of honey myself - although since I stopped using sugar/sweetener in my coffee/tea, I sometimes put .5-1 spoon of honey in. I just find it too sweet even for my sweeth tooth, and that one's pretty big :D But I'll try the manuka just to see whether it makes any difference. Do you know what the number means though? Cause as far as I know it comes as +5, +10, +15 and so on? Is it just how 'mature' it is?

17-10-15, 14:55
I am not sure, but I took the +15; very thick and sticky. :D

17-10-15, 18:07
Lovely I'll see whether I can pick some up on monday :) anxiety won't let me leave the house today :/