View Full Version : Chronic sore throat

06-10-15, 16:10
does anyone suffer from reflux in the throat? I dont have heartburn. i burp constantly. Im taking medication from my doc but im wondering if you have reflux in throat, does this cause chronic sore throats? sometimes i get a burning in the back of my throat. Im wondering if the sore throats could be that or related to my bad teeth that im working on getting full extraction.

06-10-15, 16:47
Yes, I do. I gulp air when I am anxious without realising it which leads, unfortunately, to belching quite a lot, it seems to effect my throat and make it uncomfortable, like a burning sensation.

06-10-15, 16:54
What do you do to relieve it? I suck on cough drops. im trying really hard to eliminate soda from my diet and prefer ice tea or water. i know they say not to use hard candies but i use those too. and the straws... i use those constantly which i know is bad but my teeth are so awful and i know nothing else.

06-10-15, 17:13
Reflux can and does cause a sore throat along with a plethora of other lovely digestive issues and symptoms.

Keep a food log. There are bound to be certain foods and beverages that aggravate the issue. Water should be your main source of hydration. Many sodas and teas contain caffeine with is a known ingredient that can cause stomach issues as well as have a negative effect on anxiety.

My wife has reflux and found she had to eliminate certain foods from her diet as well as limit the portion size and time of day (anything after 7pm causes issues). So start that food log and write down everything you eat and your body's reaction.

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06-10-15, 18:07

Does your wife take medication? I take mine before bed but wondering now if i should switch to first thing in the morning.

06-10-15, 18:44

Does your wife take medication? I take mine before bed but wondering now if i should switch to first thing in the morning.

Yes, she's on Protonix (Pantoprazole) as am I. We both take in in the morning. If we have any issue later in the day, a shot of Mylanta or chewable antacids help. We also keep a bottle of OTC Zantac 150 around just in case we need it.

It took a good month before the Protonix kicked in for her. That and the diet modifications got it under control.

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06-10-15, 19:40
Thank you. they prescribed me lansoprazole 15 mg. I mised almost a months worth because we were in the process of moving and packing someone packed my medication and i couldnt find it. naturally, that set my throat on fire. when i was regular with it, didnt seem to have the burning or soreness in throat so bad so im sure it will take time to get a rhythm again. if the burping would just go away, sheesh. i dont get heartburn thank god, just the reflux in the throat. Caffeine is a big trigger so thats why im trying to cut it out of my diet. My chocolate intake has increased, cant help the cravings lol.

06-10-15, 20:12
Thank you. they prescribed me lansoprazole 15 mg. I mised almost a months worth because we were in the process of moving and packing someone packed my medication and i couldnt find it. naturally, that set my throat on fire. when i was regular with it, didnt seem to have the burning or soreness in throat so bad so im sure it will take time to get a rhythm again. if the burping would just go away, sheesh. i dont get heartburn thank god, just the reflux in the throat. Caffeine is a big trigger so thats why im trying to cut it out of my diet. My chocolate intake has increased, cant help the cravings lol.

Well there you go! Get back on the meds, keep that food journal, cut out the foods that aggravate it, lay off the caffeine and the chocolate! Chocolate is a huge reflux trigger! My wife can't eat it anymore BUT... we found that white chocolate is Ok in small amounts so she still can get her sweet fix now and again.

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06-10-15, 20:39
Do they sell white chocolate?? Ive only seen it at easter time. that would pacify my craving lol. I eat a ton of oatmeal mainly to try and gain weight but i love it. makes for great bedtime snack.

06-10-15, 20:45
Do they sell white chocolate?? Ive only seen it at easter time. that would pacify my craving lol. I eat a ton of oatmeal mainly to try and gain weight but i love it. makes for great bedtime snack.

Are you kidding? Of course they do! They have a white chocolate version of Kit Kats that we love! The wife and I will split one when the craving hits :)

Positive thoughts

07-10-15, 00:57
Ok Fish.. you just have to tell me where i can find white chocolate. Im assuming you live in the united states? the only white chocolate ive ever had was the rabbits at christmas time so you tell me where i can find it outside of holidays and you might be my new best friend lol. Seriously, though thank you for all of your advice and listening ear. I really do appreciate it.

12-10-15, 17:41
Chocolate relaxes the muscle on the bottom of the esophageus and thus allows acid from the stomach to come up.

Burping can be from Helicobacter infection of the stomach.

If you experience metallic/sour taste in mouth you can search for causes: