View Full Version : Citalopram changes

06-10-15, 17:51
Hey peeps,

Does anyone else find that side-effect symptoms can get worse and ebb away?
Reason I am asking is because my (lovely subject) day sweats have returned and my sex drive/interest has completely gone. (a bit too much info I know!)

I wanted to know if this is normal? Anyone else dealt/dealing with this too?
A bit of insight would be much appreciated thankies.


06-10-15, 20:12
Hi, I am going thru the same thing. My body temperature has gone up quite a bit it feels. I have been on 10mg for 3 weeks and just started 20mg and the side effects got worse straight away.
How long have you been taking them and what dosage do u have?

06-10-15, 21:37
Hey, I was 14 days on 10mg now just started my 3rd week of 20mg. It's annoying isn't it!

07-10-15, 00:18
Yep I only used to really sweat when I was panicking, now I'm feeling better and not panicking much but sweating more! Also I have noticed a new side effect today where if I turn my head too fast I feel dizzy for about a second like my vision isn't in sync with my brain. I hope this goes soon because it's horrible and I just started a new job where I am on my feet a lot, need my wits about me

---------- Post added 07-10-15 at 00:18 ---------- Previous post was 06-10-15 at 22:05 ----------

We are both still in the side effects stages so there is every chance all could return to normal :)

07-10-15, 13:59
This is true I spose SurfingWaves. I get it in panic attacks as well or when the intrusive thoughts spiral. Oh that way of thinking has kept me stuck for 4-5 months. We know that the citalopram would help but not take it all away. I find the current dosage has its ups and downs (or is that me? Err) anyone finding that they are focusing on the side effects too much and that actually compounds their anxiety/depression. I do!

Many thanks

07-10-15, 14:28
I found on 20mg I was very up and down, 30mg levelled me out though, don't know if that's any help though.
For sweating you can try a few various products, check them out on amazon or somewhere, CertainDri, Driclor, Odaban. They might help :)

07-10-15, 14:59
Spoken to my boyfriend and mum about possibly bringing the dose up to 30g. They don't think it's a good idea (still think it needs time to work) I'm not so sure. Mind you not sure of ANYTHING atm. Oh decisions you are soooo hard to make lol. tmi would it help with libido?

Many Thanks

07-10-15, 19:41
You might be best waiting a few more weeks to increase the dose if you need it, you're still in early days. The higher the dose the more the side effects too, so less sex drive and more sweat in your case!! The side effects are likely to pass in a couple of weeks though I suspect anyway, especially the low libido.

07-10-15, 22:37
You need give it the 4-6 weeks really. In the first month SSRI'S are really flooding the space before the receptors with serotonin but the end of this time they have started reducing the number of receptor sites which is really what you are taking them for. So, if you feel improvements at this point then it can mean it will keep improving but if you feel no improvement then your GP may look to increase or switch.

3 weeks is early really.

If they libido issue continues they will probably try for a switch since the med to help with that, Welbutrin, is prescribed more to stop smoking and it's expensive.

23-10-15, 11:49
Hey Terry and Mark,

Thankyou for your replies. I have been put on 30mg and have stablized. I still have bouts of intrusive thoughts that can linger but am finding the citalopram is helping at its new dose. Been on it for nearly 3 weeks at new dose. I feel a but vulnerable everynow and again but otherwise better. Still get some sweats and libido is still rubbish but I've accepted that it is part of the anxiety. Slowly getting back on track and waiting for talking therapies. Thankyou once again for your help and words of wisdom. I'm not perfect, no one is and we are all work in progress. Good days/bad days/ hours/ you name it. :)

23-10-15, 19:08
Natalie, that's good to hear it's working much better for you, hopefully the libido and sweats will pass at some stage, but thanks for keeping us updated!