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View Full Version : Trying for a baby

06-10-15, 18:24
Ok so I posted the other week about the HA I am having as me and my wife have been tying for a baby for almost two years and nothing.

I took advice and went to the doctors, we had a chat and said we were doing everything right. Healthy eating, stopped smoking, cut back on alcohol and trying to get more exercise in.

So he said the next step is to get a semen test done to check out my swimmers. I knew this was going to happen but now it's reality I am so scared!!!

What if there is a problem and we can't have a baby? It sounds selfish but I don't want to adopt or get a donor or anything like that, I just want it to happen naturally. I just want to make my wife happy and start our family like we always dreamt of.

Anyone else been in a similar situation, or have any advice.....greatly appreciated!

Thanks :unsure:

06-10-15, 18:38
Well first off, don't jump the gun and start creating all sorts of scenarios before you know what's up. There are many options available that can help a couple conceive if there is.

I know it's hard but the best advice is just relax and have fun. With my kids, I found when we least expected it, it happened. Like you we were trying and trying and nothing... I'm pretty sure my son was conceived from an impromptu session in the woods on a camping trip! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

07-10-15, 20:21
Thanks for the post Fishmanpa! I am hoping it does happen, just worries me and puts everything in over drive! I love my wife and would love to have a family and to give her what she has always wanted.

Here's hoping!

07-10-15, 22:01
No point in getting all worried until you have something to worry about. Me and my hubby tried for 18mths with no joy (I have daughter from previous relationship) and he was terrified it was him and there was "something wrong". Anyway, I had tests (HSP I think it was called where they pour dye in ya tubes) and then he had to produce a semen sample. All was fine. They said to stop worrying and just relax, and we did. And it worked. I know it sounds silly, but it really did work x

08-10-15, 16:33
Thanks for the post Pepperpot, everyone says the same not to worry until you have had the tests and results. I am hoping this will be true, but I am sure you know it's hard to tell your head this. Also if I am honest makes me feel less of a man at the moment.

Just getting out of a bad panic period I have had, along with the HA coming back. I am always going to my wife, saying how bad I feel, how I miss her when I go away etc. I am sure mixed with this there is a small case of depression, I have never known to feel so down and low in my life.

I have a great wife, really good job (can be stressful at times but it's rewarding and I have super fun doing it!).

I just don't know what's gone wrong with me at the moment, it's almost like I am a bit lost and can't find myself :weep:

09-10-15, 23:19
You say you think you may have a bit of depression. Have you been to the docs? They can give you some anti-depressants which will pick you up a bit. There is nothing to be ashamed of. I wish you well on lots of practicing for a baby ;)

12-10-15, 13:00
Not been to the docs about what I think is depression. Just one minute I am ok, the next I am feeling pants. I am trying to just pull my self out of it. I have done some big lifestyle changes, maybe it's just taking some time to adjust?

12-10-15, 13:43
Yeah it will take time to adjust but if you find that you can't pull yourself out of it then don't be ashamed in asking for help x

08-11-15, 10:15
Update....we thought we would give it one more month before tests and guess what...... She's now pregnant!!!!!!!! Early days only a couple of weeks but really hoping all good. We are so happy :D

Thanks for your support guys :)

08-11-15, 14:41
Congratulations! :D

08-11-15, 15:01
Practice makes perfect ;) Congrats!

Positive thoughts

08-11-15, 16:31
Congratulations . :yesyes:

22-02-16, 22:16
Thanks for all your comments guys! 20 weeks and counting now! :D