View Full Version : Post coital bleeding :-(

06-10-15, 21:20

So once again my body throws me a weird one and I freak out. I have a long history of cervical dysplasia + treatment and still test hpv positive :(

The last two times I've been intimate I've got bled and quite obviously so. I'm now freaking out a bit. I had a colposcopy 6 months ago which went ok, even though it was done by a student. He saw an abnormal area, thought it was low grade and didn't biopsy. Now I'm over thinking. What do you think I should do? Go to my gp? Go to the sexual health clinic? The colposcopy clinic is next door so they have my notes. Or wait?

This is highly abnormal for me, I definitely don't have any stds (happily married) not given birth etc.

Rational advice needed please! Personal I think I should make an appointment with sexual health clinic.. But is that over reacting?


Space xxx

06-10-15, 21:32
Hi, I'm sorry I have no actual idea on the subject, but if the last time you had tests done was 6 months ago and you want to go for peace of mind then follow your thoughs and go to the sexual health clinic xx

06-10-15, 21:35
It would be totally sensible to get a referral back to the colposcopy clinic for another check up. Anyone going to their GP with post coital bleeding would automatically be sent for this proceedure.
I had this done in my late 30's for same reason but mine was due to hormonal imbalance giving me a unstable womb lining and it was nothing to do with my cervix so you can have other reasons for it.

06-10-15, 21:46
Contact your practice nurse at your gp surgery, ours are great and seem to be far more familiar with this subject than the GP.