View Full Version : 30 years old, enlarged uterus but clear ultrasound, scared!!

07-10-15, 02:30
In December 2013, 29 years old I was told my uterus felt full at my yearly check up with my Gyn. She did a transvag u/s and it came back clear. I thought nothing of it and went on. A year later, December 2014 at 30 years old, different Gyn. Told me at my yearly my uterus was big, about 12 weeks size. She did an abdominal u/s and it also came back clear, she said I have a big healthy uterus. She said I might have a very tiny fibroid that cannot be seen and we would re check things at my next check up. Its coming up in 2 months and I'm terrified she missed something and its serious. I did have a CT scan a few months ago, in the ER ( had a bad stomach bug). They suspected I had a blood clot (positive dimer test) it was negative. They did the dye through an IV. If something was there (my urteus) would they have saw it? I've had 2 kids by csection, my most recent one 6 years ago. I have regular periods that seem normal. I do brown spot after for about a week but I have for years. I'm so nervous for this year's appointment. What if it was my fear and it was too small to see, and now its gotten worse.

07-10-15, 07:21
If uve had two clear unltrsaunfs I wudnt worry they wudnt miss things on two of them they wud of def seen something let us no how u get on x

07-10-15, 16:55
Anyone else have experience?

07-10-15, 18:11
The ct scan with dye will have shown anything and everything...you can trust that you have no abnormalities anywhere in your abdomen from that. I had one, without dye, on my urinary tract and then could see I had a mass on my liver. Imo, you have scar tissue/adhesions from your c section which is why your uterus is enlarged. Don't worry x

07-10-15, 18:45
As has been said previous c sections will leave you with alot of scarring that increases the size of your uterus. I have at times in the past been told I had a bulky uterus even though I have had no c sections. This was always if I was examined just before a period was due.

The ultrasounds were clear for anything sinister to be causing it - thats it, no need to worry.

08-10-15, 13:41
Thank you for the replies!

daisyflower: That is good they were able to see the mass on your liver, I hope everything turned out ok with that!!! Than you for your reply!

Countrygirl: Did you find out the reason your uterus is bulky?

08-10-15, 15:17
It did, thanks, it's a harmless tumour thing x

08-10-15, 16:11
It did, thanks, it's a harmless tumour thing x

Good! :)

08-10-15, 17:44
Thank you for the replies!

daisyflower: That is good they were able to see the mass on your liver, I hope everything turned out ok with that!!! Than you for your reply!

Countrygirl: Did you find out the reason your uterus is bulky?

It was due to some very tiny fibroids that I had until post menopause when they have disappeared as they do and also if the scan was done the week before a period was due as the womb lining would be thicker.

The usual reason for scanning aftera manual exam has flagged up a bulky womb is to find out if you have big fibroids. Your scan was clear for big fibroid or anything else big.

08-10-15, 17:53
Yea she didn't see anything at all. Honestly, I was hoping for a fibroid. I'm scared there was cancer too small to see and now its had a whole year to get worse. :(

08-10-15, 19:56
Do you know that when they ultrasound your womb they also measure the thickness of the womb lining. If the womb lining is becoming cancerous then the lining gets every thick so this would raise concerns at the ultrasound to need further investigation. So as your ultrasound was clear, all was fine then.