View Full Version : Worried about injury from the bus - internal bleeding?

07-10-15, 06:30
On Monday morning I was standing on the bus, ready to get off at the next stop, and the bus driver came to such a sudden stop I was plunged forward, slamming the front of the body into the the vertical bar I was holding onto. I then kind of ricocheted off of that and went forward even further. ALL I can think about is that I have internal bleeding. I’ve tried all my tricks. My rational mind is saying, “You’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. Plus you have all that fat for padding.” :P The irrational part is stuck on internal bleeding. It’s telling me that was just like getting in an accident and slamming into a steering wheel.

I don’t want to give into the anxiety and go to A&E. I've extensively Googled ‘symptoms of internal bleeding’ and it's not making me feel worse but it's not making me feel better. They talk about how it can start days later and be really slow. Does anyone know what I should be looking for (or not) to be able to rule out and convince myself that I’m ok? Or at what point I'd be able to know I'm out of the woods?

Thank you!

07-10-15, 06:37
Hey Lauren,
well I'm very confident if you had internal bleeding you'd know it by now, excruciating pain or total loss of feeling in your abdomen or limbs and major bruising or what you could expect.
Sounds like you'll be ok, I was in a similar incident on a very busy bus years ago, it is a shock isn't it, and at that moment you cant help but wonder why we have to wear seat belts in cars but not in buses!

Hope that helps,