View Full Version : Sleep Deprived Again!

07-10-15, 10:24
Morning Peeps

Well I was hoping I wouldn't have to post on here again and was very close to writing my success story but am having an awful week and could just do with some support.

As always my issue is sleep. Rewind 8 months and my insomnia started, first time I'd ever had it and was put on Trazodone but came off it after a few months as it didn't agree with me or help me sleep. Since I came off it I've been sleeping really well most nights with the odd blip but nothing like before.

Then last Thursday night I just couldn't sleep. I went a whole night with none! I'd had an afternoon coffee which I never usually do but sort of forgot I shouldnt so that could be why, but after a couple of months doing well it was a real shock. But then Friday I slept 9 hours so decided it was just a blip.

However Monday night I only slept 2 hours and last night, none! :(

Nothing has changed, I'm not worried about anything, I'm not ill, I just don't know where it's come from. It could be that my one bad night on Thursday kick started something I'm not sure.

Just a bit fed up, tired and in need of comforting words if anyone has any please! :)

07-10-15, 10:52
Hi Crystal,

I know it's frustrating and disheartening but what I would say is like before, it's not a pattern until you observe it frequently.

Since Xmas I have had about 4 periods where my blips have changed in that they have ran for 5 days and sometimes quite close to a previous 3 day blip finishing. This has not been how the pattern had been running for the past couple of years (my blips are every 7-10 days for a certain number of days) so it worried me that things are getting worse again. They were more intense and I felt my mood slipping with just these ones which was probably due to frustration & worry. But they have not affected my normal blips so I have to keep in mind that whilst it is a new problem, I'm not going backwards. In many ways I now I'm not going backwards as I haven't slipped in other areas.

So I would view your current problem as a blip, it's just very unpleasant and brings up all those worries about going back to that place. It's like when you come off meds and see the signs and worry you are going back to that mess BUT you need to remember that being on meds was actually a lot worse for you and you sorted yourself out naturally. Being able to do it naturally is a massive sign that you really did get better.

I think as well that sometimes something happens that we read into too much and kick off worries out of shock.

Have you been worrying about what happened on Thursday? You know that the more you worry about sleep, the more we tend to struggle.

Perhaps caffeine later is just something you are a bit sensitive to? Perhaps it is a bit of both and it brought on the negative thinking, frustration and "oh no, not again" thoughts?

Keep at what you were doing and this may just be another blip bit one that has caught you off guard because it is different.


07-10-15, 11:09
Hi Terry, thanks for your reply.

I am very sensitive to caffeine so I really should've known better with that but assumed it was an isolated incident.

I did find myself quite anxious after Thursday and I know there were worries around it as I hadn't had a night like that since I came off Traz.

And negative thoughts about sleep have been creeping in a lot since then, despite my trying to counteract them with positive and rational ones.

Just so frustrating when you're forced into remembering how bad things were when you thought you'd got to a point where you just didn't think about it anymore.

I was sorting out some books the other day and came across a couple of Sleep Method ones, and thought 'oh I don't need those anymore'....

Anyway yes I'm sure it's another blip and will try to focus on where I am now not where I was back then!

Glad to hear you're doing ok!! :D

07-10-15, 12:58
Crystal, don't let all the negative thoughts flood in based on a couple of dodgy nights. You've succeeded in restoring your sleep pattern after traz and you must believe that this was just a blip as Terry says and that you've put the past behind you and that this is not a repeat of unhappier times.

07-10-15, 13:18
Thanks Pulisa, I know you're right, just feeling a bit wobbly today and kind of trapped by it, I have no energy to do anything and feel quite dizzy and unbalanced. But will work on those positive thoughts! :D

07-10-15, 13:26
Hey crystal.sorry to hear your having what i would say is a blip...dont goto bed at night now thinking the same will happen again,try to get back those possitive thoughts you have had all these weeks gone by and look at what you have acheved..even on all my meds i get nights where i dont sleep,but i see them as small blips and try not to let it play on my mind the next night.you have done so well,just remember how far you have come over recent weeks and remember you can do it again..try to relax before bed.turn the tv off one hr before bed and have a nice warm bath and a warm glass of milk before bed.after a couple of days of sleeping again you will be back on track..good luck.x

07-10-15, 13:37
Thank you Greg, I know looking back I've come a long way from where I was and especially since I was on Traz, I think I just took for granted that I could sleep again and it's really knocked me for 6 having 2 bad nights in a row. I actually feel quite unwell today because I'm so sleep deprived and keep bursting into tears :(

But I will take on board all your advice and try to be positive and not let it take over my life like it did before. I know I'll sleep eventually, it's just blooming hard feeling so bad and being restricted again in where I can go and what I can do.

How are you doing these days?

07-10-15, 14:16
Thats it crystal be possitive.im sure your sleep will return,just stay focused on how far you have come with your sleeping..be calm and remember you had all these weeks of good sleep and you can do it again..you will do it all again..its just a blip..even most normal people have nights where they dont sleep,but dont worry about it like us sufferes,they just except it and get back into there patern again.....im ok thanks taking each day as it comes..lucky for me my sleeping is still realy good although last week i had a few nights where i struggled to fall asleep for a few hrs,but when i did sleep i was fine,that was just a blip and i didnt let it take over my thoughts..you will get there.

08-10-15, 08:49
How did it go last night, Crystal?

You probably burst into tears partly due to feeling so rough and how it affects mood but also out of frustration. Thats ok, it happens when the blips start, but you get more resilient to them when they come, if they come. Just take it day by day and keep doing the healthy things.

Thanks for the thoughts. :flowers:

08-10-15, 09:40
Hi Terry,

I slept really well last night thanks for asking :)

I really felt so bad yesterday it was my worst day in a long time!

Funny cos when I woke up this morning I felt a bit down, after 8 hours sleep. I'm ok now but I think it was just a reaction to the last couple of days.

At least the sun is shining this morning and I can go for a cycle!!!

Have a lovely day! :)

08-10-15, 10:22
Thats good. Yes, I think waking feeling a little uncertain is something that is classic with blips, it's like you don't want to get your hopes up. As long as you get going and it eases, I wouldn't worry and just push on with your day.

Cycling sounds good!

Thanks, you too. :yesyes:

08-10-15, 11:07
Goodcto hear crystal you slept well last night..told you things will sort them selfs out..now goto bed tonight relaxed knowing your sleep is returning again..yes the sun is out hear to.very nice day

08-10-15, 11:28
Thanks guys, so nice to know I can pop on here in my times of need and get support! X

08-10-15, 11:56
Anytime crystal..its great in this forum...fantastic suport allways....helps me through my life to.x

27-10-15, 08:28
I could repost this today! Another 2 bad nights :(

3 great weeks of lovely long sleeps then here we go again! 2 hours Sunday night, barely anything last night. Want to scream!!!

27-10-15, 08:48
Sorry to hearvthis crystal.its not easy is it,when you have a period of good sleep,then out of the blue for no reason,crap sleep,but its prob just a blip and will improve again..what you have to remember is,even none mental health sufferes can have periods of bad sleep with or without reason,so its comon for us all to have sticky periods of sleep isues..try not to let it get you down and efect tonights sleep...nice hot bath before bedtime and a hot milky drink..read a book and get some sleep..fingers crossed for you...p.s.... my sleep isnt very good at the moment,i used to get 8-10 hrs solid sleep ,but know im waking around 5am and strugling to fall back,then waking at 8am,its more sleep than you crystal,but not my norm alowance,but not letting it get me down,be positive crystal it will be alright,the clock going back last weekend may be playing part in your sleep problem

27-10-15, 09:43
Thank you greg, oh it's all just so frustrating! I'm up at my mums in Yorkshire and was hoping to have a lovely time away but this is really spoiling things! Yes the clocks going back might have affected it, I don't know :( sorry you're not sleeping the best either, I've also got used to 8 hours a night again so it's affecting me badly!!! Although anything more than 4 hours I can seem to cope with ok but not this.

Anyway just needed to get it off my chest. How are you otherwise Greg? I haven't been checking in much lately I'm afraid. X

27-10-15, 10:01
I also have insomnia and it can be so debilitating.

One of the best things I have learned however, from my CB therapist is NOT to look at the clock when I awake.

I cover the clock when I go to bed so that the digital display cannot be seen if and when I awake.

I set the alarm on my phone so that I KNOW I will awake when it is necessary, and if/when I do awake, I try not to even open my eyes, and just start to count sheep - quite literally, in my head. I try not to even turn over or move in bed, but stay in the same position as when I awoke.

Crystal overall you are getting more than enough sleep so the occasional blip is okay, and while I know it is difficult, on those occasions when you might awake, just try to focus not on NOT being able to sleep, but perhaps your breathing or something else.

27-10-15, 10:26
Crystal..if your at your mums,it may be the soroundings,different location and different bed making you a bit anxious and disturbing your sleep.i find if i sleep out at a friends or family members,my sleep is poor..maybe when you go back home to your home and bed,things will get better for you...im ok crystal,getting by day by day,im cutting down my olanzipine at the moment,so getting withdraw from it,feel more anxious and quite depressed,but i want to come off this drug as iv put on so much weight since beeing on it,plus i dont feel its ever helped me,iv fogoten how to smile and laugh since beeing on it...plus the cold dark weather always efects my moods and sleep.like you im used to 8-10 hrs sleep,so when it drops off it makes us anxious

27-10-15, 20:59
Thanks for your replies, no I try not to check the time in the night as I know it only makes things worse! Greg it's great you're coming down from the meds even though it's hard, you want to be you again! I know that feeling really well from being on trazodone! Unfortunately the longer you're on something the harder it is to come off but you are determined and the withdrawal will pass and you will be so pleased you did it!!! Try to stay strong it will be worth it!
Let's hope we all sleep well tonight!!! :)

27-10-15, 21:10
You taking magnesium crystal ? It has really helped me in the past when I suffered with insomnia

28-10-15, 09:18
Andy I was using magnesium spray which didn't seem to help. Perhaps I should try a supplement.

Slept really well last night thank goodness!!! Hopefully it was just another blip.

28-10-15, 09:24
I had severe insomnia for nearly two years I got over it but still have the occasional bad night
I also put it down to a blip

28-10-15, 11:33
Hi Crystal,

I'm sorry to hear it is happening again but they are right, it can happen to anyone without these disorders but it's our reaction to triggers too.

Remember nothing is a real problem until a pattern emerges otherwise it can blips or something that would have happened to a non anxiety sufferer too. I know it's horrible though, my blips affect me too.

I've found magnesium spray really good for my joint problems but I've noticed nothing with anxiety. I suspect topical treatment is being used up by my physical problems so I've bought a supplement to drink hoping it is more likely to head for my brain. It could also that it's not a high enough dose that I am taking because it could getting used up by the worst problem my body perceives.