View Full Version : Worried about worrying

07-10-15, 12:30
ive been worried about ALS a lot recently with twitching and slight perceived weakness.I am scared that my worrying so much and bad control of these worries will cause me to get ALS as there I have read somewhere this may be a cause and feel down as I don't want to worry about this forever but I am worrying about it and this causes a vicious circle. Can anyone give me any reassurance. I know I was advised to not post and this will be 1 of my last posts but I really needed to ask this. Thanks for any replies

07-10-15, 19:02
So this disease usually has an onset after the age of 40. The chance of getting it is like 0.002% and slightly higher than that if you had family with it.

That would be terrible if that were true, but I think we will be fine.

07-10-15, 20:40
Hi Jamie,

It was I who advised that it might be good to take a break and IMO, for good reason. In the two months since you joined, you've thought you've had Alzheimer’s, colon cancer, melanoma, stomach cancer, lung cancer, heart disease, glaucoma, brain tumor, throat cancer, Barretts esophagus, esophageal cancer, Peutz-Jeghers/skin cancer, testicular cancer and now ALS. All very serious illnesses and none of which you actually had/have.

IMO, you do have a raging case of HA and that you really need to address with a professional. You're young (20) and this is no way to be living your life.

So my advice about posting stands as well as my advice about seeking help. Reassurance doesn't work and even if everyone shoots down the ALS fear, something else will come up in the next few days to take it's place.

I truly hope you find the means to get help and healing.

Positive thoughts