View Full Version : work advice needed

07-10-15, 13:12
I started working in my current job a little over a year a go. It was the most hostile and intimidating work environment I have ever encountered. My boss is the coldest career woman you can imagine. Has no issue cutting you or your work down. As a department we worked unpaid overtime consistently and it was expected.
So consequently i foun myself in a world I was not prepared for. I am a nature lover, hippie at heart and found myself in corporate hell. I should have left sooner and tried half heartedly to find something else but just sort of got used to being unhappy.

Then I had my breakdown and work weren't that understanding until they saw anxiety and depression on the sick note. My boss suddenly became the most flexable and understanding woman in the world. Anyway I have tried a few times to go back each with varying degrees of succeess. But today my ten day holiday ended before I went away I tried to go in gt vack to normal it was hard, I ended up working from home. I should have been in today but didn't go. They want me workin three mornings again, what shall I do? Hand in notice and work through it? It feels so counter intuitive to go back to the stress now I am finally healing. Advice please?

07-10-15, 14:34
Bek you've got to decide what's right for you, maybe try working mornings and see how it goes, if you feel it isn't doing you any good start applying else where and hand your notice in, but you need to remember no work place is ever going to be 100% fun and without stress- so keep your expectations realistic.

07-10-15, 15:25
Thanks Mark, I think I should try but when I think that It is always for the benefit of others and never myself. I want to please my family, show my partner I'm trying, don't want to let down collegues who besides one are all self centred anyway. Feel like now I want to do what I want to do and that is I want to get out and start again. But I have never had jobs for long as I am never realy satisfied and fear I never will be. My career goal is to start my own business and work from home and as I get better I am going to work more on this but this job hangs over me like a dead weight. And I would just love to cut all ties.

07-10-15, 17:22
Maybe you could go back with a view to starting your own business in your spare time? It's potentially a lot of work but maybe knowing you're doing something that is more fulfilling will help?
If you just really can't bare to go back and you'd be happier working any where else then that's what you should do- you know the state of your health better than anyone so it's important it's your decision.

07-10-15, 17:58
Good Advice from Mark there , I am doing exactly that , I never left but i started to work on my terms and at my pace etc , I will be starting my own Business in the coming spring and this winter i will be ensuring i work what i get paid for and no more :)

Oh And most hippies i ever met spent 3 months working for BP or some corporate entity as geologists , usually finding oil fields and being paid a handsome prize , then they spent the next 9 months hitch hiking and drinking fruit teas and feeling guilty , the Moral is that sometimes as long as you live a balanced life its ok to have some vices just dont over do it lol

07-10-15, 18:26
In my signature is a quote by King Solomon. One of the secrets of happiness in life is enjoying your work. While finances certainly dictate choices to a degree, often one can do with less income in exchange for satisfaction and happiness.

I'm going through a similar situation in that I'm unhappy with my current situation from a financial and personal aspect and that results in undue stress and frustration. So I'm putting out the feelers.

Positive thoughts

07-10-15, 23:21
I started working in my current job a little over a year a go. It was the most hostile and intimidating work environment I have ever encountered. My boss is the coldest career woman you can imagine. Has no issue cutting you or your work down. As a department we worked unpaid overtime consistently and it was expected.
So consequently i foun myself in a world I was not prepared for. I am a nature lover, hippie at heart and found myself in corporate hell. I should have left sooner and tried half heartedly to find something else but just sort of got used to being unhappy.

Then I had my breakdown and work weren't that understanding until they saw anxiety and depression on the sick note. My boss suddenly became the most flexable and understanding woman in the world. Anyway I have tried a few times to go back each with varying degrees of succeess. But today my ten day holiday ended before I went away I tried to go in gt vack to normal it was hard, I ended up working from home. I should have been in today but didn't go. They want me workin three mornings again, what shall I do? Hand in notice and work through it? It feels so counter intuitive to go back to the stress now I am finally healing. Advice please?

Go back. If you hide anxiety wins!