View Full Version : Back again :(

natalie yog
07-10-15, 16:30
I haven't been here for awhile. I'm still getting the odd eye/head pain but for some reason it doesn't really bother me now and I tend to ignore them (I've figured after all this time and aneurysm would havs well happened).
My main problem now is that my constant dizziness/balance problem that I thought went away is back along with feeling like I'm going to be sick and scared that I'm going to faint. Even when I'm not feeling anxious it comes but since I've had this back my eye/head pains aren't there. So when I told mg dr he said it could be because I'm constantly thinking about it (he gave it a name) and that it's good that it went and came back proving its not serious though of course in my mind I'm thinking all the worst possible things I think it is.

07-10-15, 20:03
psychosomatic pain or sensations, those generated by the mind, very common with anxiety, seems I have had a million of them :) often when you are so focused on an part of your body and also having your senses heightened by anxiety and worry.

I agree, if its been a long time then something would have occurred by now most likely, but I feel for you, I hope you can get your thoughts under control soon :)
Its actually really cool that your doc can reassure you and help in that way, many don't, my own included.

08-10-15, 08:40
it's quite possible it's in your mind. There are other options though I think they're quite minor; like ear infections and eye strain (glasses needed?), neither of these are major issues and are nothing to worry about though.

14-10-15, 18:28
Hi Natalie. My headaches went over a month ago but I'm going on holiday tomorrow and am really nervous. Haven't a clue why but my stomach keeps churning and I've got a very slight headache due I think, to the anxiety of getting up at 4am and feeling grim! I've been like this all day and I think I've basically brought it on myself. Now I just want to go to bed, my safe place and wake up on my holidays. God I miss the good old days when I looked forward to holidays, enjoyed a late night and a good lie in without any panic or anxiety.