View Full Version : Worried all the time

07-10-15, 17:54
I'm hoping someone might be able to call me down and make me feel normal! I constantly suffer with health anxiety and ocd, since my son was born 4 years ago. My constant fear is anything happening to me and my son being left without his mum. Even writing that fills me with anxiety.
My main health concern is cancer. I've had various examinations, scans, etc but I always worry incase somethings been missed!
I had a colonoscopy last November, I've had an ultrasound on my breasts in March, I've had 2 ultrasounds on my neck and thyroid in July and August and I've had various blood tests done too.
I still feel like something could've been missed.
I now could be pregnant and as much as it was planned, the thought of 9 months where I've got no control over my body and would be unable to receive treatment for any illness, is causing me so much stress and upset.
My biggest fears are finding a lump somewhere and the Drs putting it down to pregnancy and ignoring it, or it being something and being unable to do anything about it for so long.
I'm also terrified of anything going wrong in labour and again my son not having his mum.
Although he sees his dad and has family support on both sides, we have a very close, loving and irreplaceable bond.
I poke and prod myself and find lumps in places I didn't think I had any.
I had a thyroid scan in August but am now convinced I can feel lumps around it. This is now keep I got me awake at night and I find myself going through the worst scenarios and getting upset. Are you suppose to have a lump at the bottom of your neck? I know some people will think I should just enjoy being pregnant and I wish I could. I went to the nurse today and broke down to her and her response was you could get hit by a bus on the way out of here, I said I can't control my thoughts and she said you can. This just upset me more.

07-10-15, 18:10
I know how you feel im exactly the same and its got worse since i had my kids. I do have a lump in my abdomen iv had four ultrssounds and still dont believe its fatty tissue. I do try to block it out keep myself busy but its hard

07-10-15, 18:13
I suffer from the same thing, especially the finding lumps part.

On my abdomen where my stomach is I found what I thought was a "lump" and have had it for years, but recently kept pushing it and rubbing it. I've had 4 total doctors look at this "lump" I have and they cannot find anything at all where I'm showing them. One doctor looked and thought hmm, probably just some fatty build up or a lipoma or something, its nothing.

I'm doing my best to trust the doctors but that is very difficult right now especially with how I feel.

07-10-15, 19:01
Probably same as i have iv been told a lipoma its ha doesnt let us trust