View Full Version : Seriously worried

07-10-15, 19:27

My mum is 47 years old and a smoker (has been for about 2.5-3 years), and obviously as an anxiety sufferer this worries me because I'm scared she has lung cancer. She has a crackly kind of smokers cough and has done for a long while now, which I hope is a smokers cough (I'd prefer that over something nastier). I've listened to smokers coughs on YouTube and they sort of sound the same as my mums.. she's cut down on cigarettes from about 10-15 a day to 2-3 a day in her mission to quit smoking, and she's no longer coughing AS much as she used to, but still is coughing in general.

She has no other symptoms like getting out of breath easily, clubbed fingers, back pain, neck pain (although she sometimes does get back/neck pain, but it goes away and she says it's from spending hours cleaning), she hasn't coughed up any blood or anything (I've checked, yep that's how bad my worries are..). She did have a nap (well she tried to but couldn't drop off) earlier, but she doesn't get much sleep at night and gets up at like 5.30-6 AM each morning, so I guess she gets a bit tired due to working/sleepless nights/early morning.

I'm so scared because I don't want to lose my mum or anything, I'm about to cry writing this.

Has anyone got any advice? Do you think she has lung cancer (I know you're not a doctor, before you say).. she won't even go to the doctor because she thinks there's nothing wrong with her.

I'm 15 by the way, and I'm seeing a professional about my anxieties on the 21st of October.

So can someone PLEASE reassure me? I feel so down at the moment.. I had this scare last February and my mum got the doctor to listen to her chest, which was all fine apparently.

So could it have gotten serious in just under 8 months?


Toby (please help!!)

07-10-15, 19:49
Hi Toby, sorry to hear about your worries, I can only go as far to suggest, if you havnt done so already, that you tell her how worried it makes you and that it may put you at ease if she were to be checked. Its a tough one, because at the end of the day it is her health, but she is your mum and you love her.

I have never smoked nor really known many people who have for such a long time, but I think strong 'smokers' coughs are fairly normal, even ones that can keep people awake.

I dont think she would want you to worry, but its kind that you do.

Hope you can find some reassurance soon :)