View Full Version : Hyperaware of body

07-10-15, 21:50
Can being hyper aware of every movement cause me to feel weak and awkward. It started with my fear of ALS and I became extremely aware of every step I took making it almost feel awkward. Is this possible? Can anxiety really being causing me to feel this instability or do I actually have ALS symptoms coming on? Scared.

07-10-15, 23:03
Most definitely your mind can make you do this. Hyperawareness and hypersensitivity are two of the most common issues with Health Anxiety.

Your body is designed to do a lot on auto-pilot. Walking is one of these things. Imagine how hard it would be to walk if you had to concentrate on every action involved in moving your body. The trouble arises when you DO start thinking you're controlling every action and start questioning if everything is as it should be.

If you drag a foot, or one stride seems shorter than the last, or you feel like weight is on one side, it's entirely normal but you think it isn't. This feeds back into making you tense, which can play all sorts of tricks on your muscles and cause more things that make you think something is wrong.

Just try to let your body do what it does and don't concentrate on the little things that are entirely normal.

07-10-15, 23:08
I feel as if I am hyper aware of pretty much every sensation in my body lol. It's definitely not the way we are supposed to be as said above, most things are supposed to be automatic, like breathing, walking, heart beat etc... but as soon as we focus on them, they start to feel strange.

08-10-15, 09:31
I have this when I'm going through an anxious period and am hyper aware of any pain x

08-10-15, 11:07
It's irritating and hugely annoying but just another HA symptom. The more attention you give it the worse it gets

08-10-15, 14:16
It just continues in a vicious cycle. Just kind of have to train the mind to go back on autopilot for certain things. Thanks guys for the responses.

08-10-15, 15:21
I can absolutely relate. It never fails that as soon as I have an ache or something I obsess about it and convince myself its the worst possible thing. I try to occupy myself but it's definitely not easy.

08-10-15, 16:20
Definitely being hyper-aware can cause weakness and other symptoms x

08-10-15, 17:08
It truly is remarkable. The worst part regarding hyperawareness is that it emulates the symptoms of the worst diseases throwing you into a extremely anxious, worried state.

08-10-15, 23:40
This is exactly what i am experiencing at the moment and also have the fear of MND. as much as im sorry you are going through this too im glad i found your post. it makes me feel a little more confident that more than likely all these symptoms are down to me being so anxious and hyper aware of my body and movements that i get myself all worked up :/ i hope at least x

09-10-15, 00:06
I know for a fact that the mind is the most powerful organ in our body. If I were to intentionally focus on something specific... let's say for example, a pain in my neck, I could make this pain better or worse depending on my thoughts and frame of mind. I could blow it off and just go on about my day and the pain would be negligible or I could focus on it and it would become a distraction.

I actually have real pain due to cancer treatment. On a scale of 1-10 it's a constant 3-5. I find that OTC pain meds and sometimes prescription meds help but the real help is my mind. If I find ways to distract myself, I don't notice it. Sometimes I can go the whole day and not think about it. Then, when I finally lay down at bedtime is when I feel it but by then I'm too tired to care and fall asleep :)

Positive thoughts

09-10-15, 04:08
Sorry to hear about your cancer treatment. I hope you get well soon. Hyper awareness is a terrible thing. For me I get it in my left leg and it feels like I am limping, and I'm not even close to limping. It feels like my knee is bending backwards further, but it's not. It's a brutal feeling but you have to be strong and keep fighting. Won't happen overnight, but support on this thread is crucial. Helps to know you're not alone.