View Full Version : Taste

13-02-07, 17:54
Can anyone tell me if they get a funny taste in there mouth cus i have noticed this with me for the past week or so anyone ekse get this??


13-02-07, 18:16
Some meds affect the taste in your mouth. What are you on? It culd be that


13-02-07, 18:42
I had this recently after a cold and was freaking out!!! I went to my Doc and he said it was nasal drip and could last for ages. He suggested i try Becinase but it went on its own.

13-02-07, 18:45
Lack of appetite or taste, a ‘tinny’, ‘metallic’ or ‘ammonia’ smell or taste

What you feel:

Sometimes you just don’t feel like eating, or the thought of food is unappealing. Or, that even though you are eating, the food has no taste or is unsatisfying.

You have a persistent ‘tinny’, ‘metallic’ or ‘ammonia’ smell in your nose, or you taste it often and it’s not from your food or environment. Often it’s just there, but you can’t figure out why

What causes this:

Similar to the other stomach related symptoms, loss of appetite is a result of an upset stomach due to the sustained increase in digestive action. Loss of taste occurs because taste buds are nerves, and an over stimulated nervous system can send false signals to the brain which means that sometimes we can experience odd, dulled or incorrect sensory perceptions (since our receptive senses are controlled and interpreted by the nervous system). The loss of taste because of this miscommunication or misinterpretation by the over stimulated nervous does occur. This is another example of how we can receive incorrect or inaccurate sensory perceptions because of an over stimulated nervous system.

Metal taste / head
head pains (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4388)
Metallic Taste in mouth (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4483)


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

13-02-07, 19:00
Answer to jo61 i am not on any meds i just take relora they are pritty good i think.

Nomorepanic thanks for this its sounds just like that this taste is hard to describe is flaming horrible though i keep drinking or having chewing gum to take the taste away its yakkkkkkkky.
