View Full Version : Eyes!

08-10-15, 15:02
Hiya, I'm 18 and shortsighted, -2.5 in both eyes. I usually wear contact lenses but haven't in a few weeks due to having conjunctivitis.. I'm wasn't too worried about my eyes, but at an opticians appointment a few months back they referred me to get my eyes checked at a hospital. The referal letter says 'iops and visual fields were within normal limits. Undilated fundus examination revealed areas of shimmery appearance on the inferior and superior retina of her right eye and interior retina of her left eye. She is asymptomatic, please refer her to an ophthalmologist for further investigation.'

Another optician looked at my eyes and said to my optician she was being over cautious and it looks okay. my optician said just watch out that there's no black spots in my vision- if there is, go straight to moorfields(eye hospital) but I haven't had that. I only just handed in my referral letter a few weeks ago and now have an appointment at the hospital in two weeks, but now I'm panicking about what could be wrong.. It's really getting me anxious. What could this be? Anyone have any idea or similar experiences? Thank you in advance, Katie x

23-10-15, 03:15
Anyone? Would be grateful for any reply really as my appointment with an opthalmologist is tomorrow and my ha is through the roof coming up with all sorts of terrible possible diagnoses' :(

23-10-15, 03:55

I can totally understand why you're worried, however if they has spotted something they thought was urgently serious, you'd have been referred to an emergency eye clinic!

Perhaps, as the other optometrist said, they were being 'over cautious'. That in itself can maybe be comforting as if there was something overly serious, there surely wouldn't be discrepancy in verdicts!

Would it be possible for you to call/return to the opticians in the meantime and ask for a breakdown in layman's terms of why they have referred you? It could make the 2 week wait before your appointment more bearable.

Stay strong x