View Full Version : Acid reflux

08-10-15, 17:54
So I have been on Omeprazole for a while now but for the past couple of days it has stopped working. I only take 1 in the morning but by the afternoon i'm getting terrible chest pains and burping all the time.
It's worrying me as they have worked for so long and now I have got it into my head its something causing it :(
que health anxiety..
the only time my acid reflux was this bad was when I was pregnant!

Can anyone help? my ibs has been playing up too recently.

08-10-15, 19:06
Stress possible? I'd ask my doctor if I were you.

Sometimes people go from a 20mg dose to a 40mg dose.

08-10-15, 19:12
I posted to another member about this...

I would suggest keeping a food diary for a couple of weeks. Something is triggering this and perhaps it's just your body not tolerating something. That can happen out of the blue too. My wife was a milk drinker her entire life and about two years ago, she developed an aversion to dairy... go figure. She's on Protonix and kept a food diary. She found several foods that aggravated her reflux as well as eating or not eating at certain times of the day.

Certainly, stressful situations can cause flare ups as well. Get yourself some Mylanta or chewable antacids for the flare ups and consult with your doctor if it continues. It may be as simple as a dosage increase or another PPI.

Positive thoughts

08-10-15, 19:43
Thank you I may ask to up the doage to 40 I didint think of that.

I never thought it could be the food I am eating, I am very stressed out at the moment as my health anxiety is playing up I am worrying about everything and this makes it even worse. I am so scared it is a ulcer gall stones hernia list goes on even tho the doctor says I have IBS now my acid reflux has started to play up its just the tip on the iceburg :( I can feel the acid in my throat as I type this and I have noticed my tongue is now white! I just keep thinking if I am on meds for acid reflux and im still getting it, it must be bad!

08-10-15, 19:46
From what you've said in the post, could it not be that you need either a higher dose, or to be taking two throughout day (obviously on doctors advice).
They seem to be working on a morning and keeping symptoms away, but by afternoon the symptoms have returned.

08-10-15, 20:04
I never thought it could be the food I am eating,

Have you ever heard people say something like "I love pizza but pizza doesn't love me"? Replace pizza with any other food or drink (onions, cucumber coffee etc.) and you get the picture. Yes, foods can and do play a major role in acid reflux and that, combined with added stress and anxiety, can wreak havoc on your stomach.

Even certain beverages like coffee or tea can cause your reflux to act up. I've had reflux since I can remember and I have to be careful as to what I eat and when as does my wife. I'm on Protonix as well. I rarely have an issue anymore and like I said, when I do get a bit of heartburn or gas pressure, a swig of Mylanta or a couple of chewable antacids do the trick.

So yeah... write down everything you're eating and when for a couple of weeks. Make note the reaction if any. Modify your diet to reflect what you discover.

Positive thoughts

I hope it works because I am scared to eat anything now like my beloved chocolate :-)

And yes... chocolate can definitely aggravate reflux!

08-10-15, 20:16
I didn't think of taking two I may ring my doctors and ask if I should do that!
I hope it works because I am scared to eat anything now like my beloved chocolate :-)

Yes fishmanpa I have heard of that phrase
I am tracking what i eat already as I have IBS I need to know what my trigger foods are but now I am so confused what i can eat and what i cant I cannot eat certain foods for ibs and then I cant eat certain foods for acid reflux it leaves me with very little to eat. I stopped drinking fizzy drinks years ago when this all started
It gets so scary at times as the acid leaves me in so much pain! I have had gaviscon and that isnt working either :weep:

08-10-15, 20:19
I was the same but only during pregnancy, strangely enough I was fine with chocolate, surprised my son wasn't born a Revel.

09-10-15, 15:26
Wel the doctor told me to take two 20mg onprazole tablets a day!
But I'm so scared that I will over dose she said once in the morning and one before dinner how many hours is it safe to have them apart? Is upping the dosage to 40mg going to be harmful/ make me more prone to side effects?

09-10-15, 16:02
That makes sense hun if you're symptoms are coming once tablet has wore off, I guess the doctor started you with a lower dose to see how you go, like my doctor says, we don't know it hasn't worked unless you tell us.
I really don't believe your doctor would tell you to take something that's dangerous.
Children over 1 can take 20mg and for certain conditions the dose can be 60mg.

09-10-15, 20:30
Hi There, I had really bad acid reflux and ended up having an operation to wrap my stomach around my oesophagus so no more acid could come up. It's a really tough op and I wouldn't recommend it (in fact that's what triggered my anxiety!) but if I could go back I would just completely change my diet rather than upping your dose of Omeprazole.
There's a great book called 'dropping the Acid' which tells you exactly what foods are good and those that aren't. Chocolate, coffee, wine, tomatoes, onions and spicy food are out sadly but as they say, your health is your wealth :) good luck! X

10-10-15, 09:56
I used to take two in the morning u can take upto 40 mine take a while to kick in tho get better soon x