View Full Version : Worried about a mole

08-10-15, 19:09
I have a mole on the side of my big toe. I am pretty sure it has been there for years. It has certainly been there for at least 18 months as I asked my GP about it 14 months ago and it wasn't new then.

I am freaked out right now as a dermatologist saw it and said it needs to come off. I don't really trust her diagnosis as she said the pigmentation is on the ridges (which is concerning) but my husband looked in a strong magnifying glass and sees the opposite. The GP also said 14 months ago that the pigmentation is in the furrows, not the ridges. I saw the GP again today and he said the same thing, and also it has not changed in 14 months at least.

I am freaking out as I have been referred on a two week wait to have it removed! Could it be melanoma that has been left untreated for all this time??? Surely it would have grown and changed? It is about 7mm long and 3mm wide, long and seed-shaped.

Does anyone have any tips on how to cope with the stress of waiting for my appointment? I can't function and I have 4 little children to take care of.

08-10-15, 23:09
Hey Hun I know it most be scary and hard especially when. U have HA . But try not to worry about it until your appointment . Focus on your kids and keep busy. U have seen a doctor so there nothing u can do about it just yet. Lots of people have moles removed that are tested and come back clear. Just because it looks suspicious doesn't mean it is. The fact that it haven't changed in over a year is evidence that it's probably nothing. Doctors usually want to remove it just to be on safe side. Event if it's fine now it's better to get it removed so it doesn't develop into anything serious in a few years time. I have a few miles on my arms and stomach so it's something I keep an eye out for

09-10-15, 20:17
Thank you Amanda. It was nice of you to reply. x

11-10-15, 07:46
Last weekend I noticed a flat spot on my shoulder, the skin was flakey, I have never noticed it before. Yesterday I was laying on the couch and scratched it, the top came off quite easily I must say. It now is red and crusting over. I am so conscious of it today and have been on edge all day. My anxiety tells me it is the worst case scenario my rational mind says its nothing. Im tired, hungry and very very anxious. :(

I did see the Dr through the week about it and he said its nothing but to come back if I notice any changes. So because I scratched the top off I am now quite hmmm anxious :(.

15-10-15, 20:20
If anyone else comes across this thread in the future, it might help to allay your fears to know that I saw another dermatologist today who said the mole is absolutely fine.