View Full Version : Any tablets or methods out there to stop self making symptoms ?

08-10-15, 21:40
Hi all.

I have one of the most irrational and irritating symptoms of anxiety. I can make my legs tingle as badly as though they are being electric shocked and this can last hours until I sleep, I always wake up fine, but as soon as my mind drifts to my legs it starts again, and creeps up my back and to my lips too. It is all self made, as for instance my legs were fine the other day, then when I suddenly thought of my legs and pins and needles, I had it within an hour, and it lasted until today. Then once again today I thought of it and it has started again. I am fine when my mind doesn't think about it, but once it has begun it is impossible to stop until the next day. My legs will also feel weird as though heavier, again when my mind thinks of them.

Clearly I am cuckoo, but is there any sort of tablet or therapy where I can stop this happening ? It is driving me mad. My legs can be fine for days and weeks, but the moment my mind thinks of them, in comes the chronic pins and needles and tingling. If I step near anything that vibrates on the floor, such as a dehumidifier (we have 4 of them around the house, not my choice) or compressor or anything like that and I can feel it in my feet, then I automatically think of my legs and here it comes again.

How can my mind be causing this ? Why am I perfectly fine after a long nap or sleep only to come back when I think of it ? I wouldn't mind if it was tame but my entire legs can tingle like mad, so annoying. I try to divert my mind to my arms or any other body part but it never works.

Thanks for any advice !! I really hope I find someone out there who has the same mad symptoms but I think I am alone in this one.