View Full Version : Anxiety since cancer

13-02-07, 19:09
I have anxiaty for years always worrying I had cancer. 4 months ago i got diagnosed with malignant melenoma. My prognosis is good tumour was small stage 1. My dr couldnt believe how well i dealt with it. Was numb at first. Now for the past 8 weeks I have not been feeling well, have tingling in scalp , electric current type things in feet, twitch in eye and twitch in index finger which moves my finger from side to side, also pain in ribs . Feeling really anxious dr thinks its stress had bloods done they were fine, but I am convinced its secondary cancer and I am so scared so sick of worrying, I have my 4 month check at hospital on Monday and obviously worried about this. Its so horrible as usually I feel reasurred with what dr says and now I dont. Has anybody else had these symptons and can anxiaty cause this. Im trying to remember how it used tomake me feel before the C but its hard to remember if I had these same feelings. Im 33 yrs old with 3 young children so this makes me even more anxious for them.

appreciate any advice


13-02-07, 19:29
hi claire
firstly would like to give you a big welcome to the forum!!!!!
what you have been through must have been awful for you,and perhaps at the time you were just sooo focussed on getting better you might not have thought about the emotional side as much,but now that you are recovering it might be catching up with you.these symptoms do sound like anxiety to me and your doctor will help you.good luck with your 4 month check,i,m sure you,ll be fine!!!!!
take care i,ve got my fingers crossed for you!!!!!!
rach x

13-02-07, 19:57
Hi Claire and welcome to the forum.
I have to say i agree with ceecee and its sort of the anxiety coming out now the problem has been dealt with.
Good luck for monday and do mention your fears to the doctor, im sure they'll put your mind at rest. Well done for dealing with it so bravely,
anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

13-02-07, 20:09
So sorry you are going through this, its no wonder you are worried as cancer is frightening but you are doing so well, well done you for being so brave.

I would believe in what the drs say, the will be keeping a very close eye on you and they want you to get better. I would feel anxious but id also take comfort in the reassurance my dr gave me. Cling on to that and keep thinking ++++, you are doing so well.

I wish you lots of luck for your check up, please keep us posted.

Take care.

13-02-07, 20:39
thanks for the replies it does really help to discuss this with other people. Anxiety is a horrible thing Ive had it fo r about 10 years Ive always been convinced I would get Cancer. Sometimes I think that its a self fufilling phrophacy but I know thats not really true. The positive thing about my anxiety is that had I not been the type of person to return to the Dr's again and again as I did with ny suspicious mole, then it might not have been diagnosed as 3 dr said it was ok. so there is some useful things about our health anxiety's most "normal" people I know would never have returned to the doctors. I have turned myself into a bit of a health expert over the years of this anxiety disorder I am obsessed about illnesses the reason I knew my mole was dodgy was because I had been on google a millions times before reading up on it from years before I even had my melenoma. I think there must be people out there who are ill but dont have this constant panic like I do, I went out for a drink with friends on Saturday night , and I did not have any twitches and felt great, things like this make me feel its all in my head, but the following day with a hangover my symptons were a million times worse. I always find a hangover makes my anxiety so much worse.

C Greenwood

13-02-07, 21:15
Hi Claire,

I can't offer any more advice than you've had so far, but just wanted to say that it sounds to me like you are coping brilliantly. Anyone would be stressed and anxious if they'd gone through what you had.

I too notice how much worse I am the morning after. I feel great on a night out and I can forget about all the things worrying me, but next morning they come back double!

Best of luck for your appointment next Monday, and there's loads of people on here to support you while you wait!


14-02-07, 07:12
Just wanted to say my thoughts are with you claire xxx

14-02-07, 09:14
Hi Claire,

My thoughts are with you hun. xxx

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

14-02-07, 12:57
Hi Claire,

Just wanted to say keep hanging in there. I can relate a bit to what your feeling as I just had a mole removed there.
I was convinced it was cancerous as it had changed and was bleeding, i like you googled it and I had my mole for years.
The feelings tht I went through were so intense, the fear and anxiety, luckily for me mine was benign but the sense of relief was overwhewlming .
The doctors will be keeping a really close eye on you and im sure anything would have been picked up in your blood tests, plus its great tht it was stage 1 as this is nearly 100% cureable at tht stage.
Again i don't know how I would have coped in your shoes but keep being brave and my thoughts are with you, feel free to PM me anytime.

Take care

shirley xx

'' I am an optimist, but I'm an optimist who carries a raincoat. '' - Harold Wilson