View Full Version : How do you feel after a panic attack?

09-10-15, 08:56
Last night I had my first really major attack in ages, say about 3 months and it floored me. I went to bed earlier as I was drained from being out all day and managed to not panic while out but did feel anxiety building up throughout the day if you know what I mean and when I was lying down in bed I could tell I didn't feel right anxiety wise and could tell it was bubbling up to the surface but was hoping to sleep through it. So I woke up about 20 mins or so and I was panicking like hell. My heart was racing, my back muscles were so tight I felt like I couldn't breathe, stomach was on fire, legs went like jelly, felt dizzy and worst of all, I had the feelings of severe impending doom, like the panic attack would never end and that tbh, I was on my road out. I haven't had one that bad in ages. I felt so spacey during it because I had just woke up from a nap. Attacks that wake you up always feel more insidious and scary than any I have felt during the day. Eventually after about what felt like forever but probably only was about 20/25 mins, I calmed down dramatically but was still on edge from it.

Now this morning after managing to get some sleep again, I am still on edge after last night. I kind of feel hungover tbh. I feel slow and sluggish yet anxious and wired, body hurts everywhere and I just feel like the stuffing has been knocked right out of me. I am also very conscious of my breathing now and keep feeling that I am either breathing too much or too little. I also keep wondering if it really was a panic attack or something more sinister even though I know deep down it was a panic attack because I have had ones very similar or even a bit worse but its hard to shake off those thoughts after such terror felt during the attack.

I usually just get minor to moderate panics now and after them, I might feel a bit off for a few mins and then that's it, can go back to my day again but this has floored me.

My partner is out today at college so I'm home alone and that's making my anxiety high. I'm going to play a game or something to distract me for a few hours.

How do you guys feel after a very bad attack? Does it take you a day or so to fully bounce back again?

09-10-15, 11:08
Yes, totally. As you say, it feels like a hangover. And it does take to get over, the nervous energy you have used is as if you have run a marathon
As good old Claire Weekes says face, accept, float and let time pass...don't add any more fear. You will be fine xx

09-10-15, 11:35
I'm listening to my Claire Weekes recording while playing a video game. That's keeping my anxiety at bay thankfully :)

09-10-15, 13:00
I don't have them any more but when I used to, the "hangover" afterwards felt much worse to me than the panic attacks themselves, not least because they went on for hours or days, whereas a panic attack was over in a matter of minutes.

09-10-15, 14:39
Exhausted,spaced out and very conscious of breathing. Takes me days to get over a huge one !
Have generally 5 or 6 mini ones a day and a huge one couple times a week sooooooooo tired. But am hanging on in there:wall:

09-10-15, 22:27
I always feel exhausted afterwards, and it does seem to take a while to get my energy back. Sometimes it takes a night to sleep on it, other times I can bounce back the same day -- it depends on how strong the panic was. Either way, I have found I can relish these feelings. It is total exhaustion mixed with total relief. Sort of my body and mind saying, "Ahhhh I made it!" When I hit my peak of panic, then I start to come down, that come down feeling is such relief to me, and I do not allow panic to take that relief from me.
Keep your chin up, Ginger. I am sending you good thoughts that your energy returns and you may feel moments of normal very soon!!

10-10-15, 14:22
I'm feeling a lot better today though I ended up with my period last night so I am putting that down for the reason of my heightened anxiety lately. I've felt a lot calmer since I got it, maybe its because I have something to blame now lol.

I still feel a bit worn out but I keep telling myself that during that awful panic, my body was essentially in a fight and now its all battered and bruised from it so of course I am going to be off for a few days after it just like I would be in a physical fight. I do get that relief feeling you have mentioned. Part of me feels euphoric like "Yay! I survived!" and I cry with joy and then the other half of me is still utterly terrified because the feelings were so strong and felt uncontrollable.

12-10-15, 04:08
After my worst attacks it has taken as long as a week to get over!! I always feel sluggish, sad, worried and sick afterward! My anxiety stays high for a really long time after a bad attack. And like you said, my anxiety is always always super high around my period! Always has been but now that I started recognizing it recently it makes it a lot easier on me.

12-10-15, 07:05
It feels like a hangover to me, and sometimes It take a night to sleep on it depend on the severity of panic I had. However I'm just getting better now, with change of my lifestyle and I also like to bring audio wherever I go. You can check it out, it's free :
calminghealth. com/38-lifestyles-reducing-anxiety-panic-part-1
the link download is at the bottom of the page btw. Hope it helps :)

12-10-15, 11:23
What I hate after a bad panic is that horrible 'something just isn't right' feeling. You can't quite put your finger on it but you know from experience, you have felt it or at least something similar from a bad panic in the past. I'm so achy all over. I feel like every muscle and joint in my body is inflamed. Don't know if I have came down with something, or its my period or its just the aftermath of the attack.

16-10-15, 13:08
My mum and stepdad were in an accident today. They were driving down to England and just about to join the M74 and were at a roundabout when out of nowhere, he lost all control of steering and the wishbone punctured the front tire and something from the back of the car broke too and they nearly went into a ditch. Thankfully they are fine, just very shook up but the rescue man said if it happened a min or so later while they were on the motorway, it would have most likely been fatal as there would have been lots of traffic and you would have no control at all at that high speed. I'm so grateful they are back home safe and I have been over to see them and they are good now but you can't help but focus on how close they were to a serious accident and its really getting to me. I suppose thoughts like this are normal in this kind of situation or maybe its just my anxiety. I just feel so highly strung, can't relax, feel unreal and all that jazz which I know its just from the stress of today and the panic attacks but grrr its making me feel worse. Feel so selfish because they are the ones who were in an accident, not me but I'm taking it badly.

Been panicking ever since and feel so weird now :(