View Full Version : what is this?...lower back pain and whenever I walk im in agony

Female healthanxiety
09-10-15, 10:06
Hello all

So this time last year I was on all floors on the pavement with the most painful lower right stabbing back pain that was also in my buttock and then my leg. I was walking back to my car and every time I lifted my leg it felt like my back was tearing, I was so embarrassed but I had to get on all fours in the middle of the road and a lady stopped her car as she thought I was going into labour!

I was taken to my Drs and wheeled in on a wheel chair, still in pain, saw the DR and he said it's probably muscular, he gave me tramadol and diazepam, and the pain only subsided after a week and then eventually went.

I was at work yesterday and got that 'twitch' and though no way!!!

During the course of the day it got worse, and I ended up having a massive panic attack while driving, yesterday I was continuously hot and my panic attack left me with a fast heart rate all night :-(

I have an appt with a different Dr today, and also had some tramadol and diazepam left from last year.

I feel so scared I'm home alone today, as I can barely walk. I hate the feeling of one side of my body feeling so different to the other. It feels like someone has taken my right side of my torso and twisted it.

I have been doing the same things daily, so am not sure what it is.

Any answers would be appreciated.

I do have a lot of ongoing family issues going on around me, sister is on hospital etc, so think that's also having an effect on my panic attacks.


09-10-15, 10:32
Did the doc never suggest sciatica?

Female healthanxiety
09-10-15, 10:47

I did suggest that but he said it was probably muscular!!!

09-10-15, 12:59
i have had panic attacks since i was 5 years old,im on diazepam and have been for 19 years,im now 56,i get dizziness and it makes me extremely anxious ive had that for around 25 years,so know what people on here are talking about.I did some decorating in april and started to get a strange pain in my bum cheek,it got worse over a couple of weeks and went into my hip and leg , chronic pain then burning sensations pins and needles pain in groin all down right leg from hip to foot etc all caused by the sciatic nerve being trapped by the disc bulge,i looked up on my symtoms and it looked like sciatica to me,ive seen three pysios,all say its a disc bulge,which causes the sciatic pain im still in agony and its been six months,all im tolds is it takes time,its very debilitating and depressing,all the best fellow sufferers

Female healthanxiety
11-10-15, 13:41
Thanks lindadiana.

Sorry to hear of your story, it must be infuriating....

Well.... Went to the DRs on Friday, and was told that it's muscular, I said I had this last time last year and it sounds like sciatica, she advised that sciatica is only secondary to back pain :blush:

She gave me Naproxen and 2mg of diazepan to take at night.

I'm in so much pain I feel like my legs are so dead too. Every time I yawn, cough, move the pain hits me on my lower right back and hip.... Gosh I feel 60 not 32!!

She said that I should walk as it will get worse but I advised her that it's far to painful every time I lift my leg my back kills!!!

Also the pain is making me feel continuously hot and a big out of it.

I've had endless hot baths with salts....

04-12-15, 03:26
I was told to walk when I saw them bout three months ago,at that point I was walking back and forth shopping,then it got that bad it became mpossible to walk ive groin pain feels like my legs got stuck and twisted when I put my foot down its agony right from bum cheek part of the back right down my right leg,searing pain in shin knee hip bum and back,i have to lean to the left but could noway manage to walk as I was before right now id end up on the floor before I got there,my brother in law had similar to this years ago and he was laid up in bed for months,the last pysio I saw said try not to walk long distances as it will agrivate the already inlamed sciatic nerve,im so down with it all now its been a month now since I went out walking,i did persevere for months walking but cried in a collapsed state on getting back

04-12-15, 14:51
Now, I shall start by saying I am NOT a doctor.

However, have you considered that when the doctor says it's muscular, it could in fact be muscular? http://www.drlenlopez.com/images/Hip%20Flexors%202.jpg

This is your psoas muscles, otherwise known as the hip flexors - see how they join your lower back to your leg? Now, like any muscle in the body you can hold tension in those (especially with anxiety) and perhaps if you spend a lot of time seated, or crossing your legs, then these fellas are probably tightening up (one more than the other if you cross your legs).... So yeah, walking would ease your pain over time because you would be lengthening the muscle once more... If you lie flat on your back with your knees up, and the pain eases it could well be this, because that is the one position when these (extremely integral structural) muscles relax... This is just a theory of course, but something to consider, and something that you can work on yourself.... - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQmpO9VT2X4

Or perhaps visit a physiotherapist/osteopath/chiropractor and discuss it with them? They will probably also show you the best type of exercises to do to ease your pain.

25-10-19, 12:14
Now, I shall start by saying I am NOT a doctor.

However, have you considered that when the doctor says it's muscular, it could in fact be muscular? http://www.drlenlopez.com/images/Hip%20Flexors%202.jpg

This is your psoas muscles, otherwise known as the hip flexors - see how they join your lower back to your leg? Now, like any muscle in the body you can hold tension in those (especially with anxiety) and perhaps if you spend a lot of time seated, or crossing your legs, then these fellas are probably tightening up (one more than the other if you cross your legs).... So yeah, walking would ease your pain over time because you would be lengthening the muscle once more... If you lie flat on your back with your knees up, and the pain eases it could well be this, because that is the one position when these (extremely integral structural) muscles relax... This is just a theory of course, but something to consider, and something that you can work on yourself.... - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQmpO9VT2X4

Or perhaps visit a physiotherapist/osteopath/chiropractor and discuss it with them? They will probably also show you the best type of exercises to do to ease your pain.

Spot on Mindknot.
I had the same as the op and still have physiology.:yesyes:

25-10-19, 14:51
Sorry to hear about your pain, but did your pain come on whilst walking or did it come on some other way? Back pain or leg pain worse? Might have a tight muscle pressing on the sciatic nerve, physio/chiro/dr could give you some exercises to relieve that tension. Definitely sounds like a nerve problem to me, but I'm no doctor.

25-10-19, 15:00
Definately sounds like sciatica, which can come and go (sometimes quite suddenly).

25-10-19, 19:40
Definately sounds like sciatica, which can come and go (sometimes quite suddenly).

I agree it could be sciatica accompanied by some other muscle spasms/joint pain. A few years ago I got recurring pain deep in my hip, lower back, and down my leg. My doctor could never quit pinpoint it but based on research it seemed like it was probably muscle inflammation irritating my sacro-iliac joint and that was irritating my sciatic nerve. It was SO painful. Many days it would be a dull chronic pain, but then every now and then something would happen that would trigger this intense acute pain that would last for a day or two. I could hardly stand. Just awful. But, it would always pass. I would take Alieve (Naproxen), alternate heat and cold, and try to rest as much as possible. This was a few years after my daughter was born and I think it was caused by lifting her all the time and sitting on the floor with bad posture. Now that she's older it doesn't happen anymore!

28-10-19, 13:34

I was just reading your post and could relate as it sounds similar to what I've gone through on a couple of occasions. Have they checked your SI Joints? I only ask as that can come on quite suddenly and when mine flares it's hard to locate the pain because it seems to go into my hip/groin bum and even up into my lower back. It's really common in women because of how our hips etc are placed to allow for childbirth.

As others have said it could also be sciatica but I thought that's what mine was and all the tests for it were negative and it was my SI joint. I've only managed to rectify it by going to the gym regularly and focusing on strengthening the muscles around the joint. If I miss a week or two it starts niggling again.

Does it hurt you to turn over in bed? That's one of the key indicators.

Just a thought! Hope it eases soon, back pain is awful and it always makes me really low.

05-11-19, 21:36
I think it sounds like you have sciatica. I would find a really good osteopath and get them to look at it for you. Find a really good one

06-11-19, 06:08
I suffer with sciatica and sometimes my pain is exactly like yours. Sometimes it gets so bad no matter what position I get into I cant get the pain to go away. I need surgery and am on a some heavy duty meds but a lot of the time they barley make a dent in the pain especially the one that goes down my leg.

I hope you find some relief soon (((hugs)))