View Full Version : Second doctors appointment over lump again. Freaking out

09-10-15, 11:40
A couple of days ago I posted about being petrified of sarcoma and was told it was just a lipoma & nothing to worry about. But I'm scared I missed something and didn't inform the doctor of my arm pains I have had on and off. I mentioned how I forgot about it & didn't have the pains again until my dog jumped at me, so perhaps the doctor dismissed the pain as being caused by the dog. Since my last appointment I've noticed the lipoma is sore & I'm getting a tingling burning sensation all over that arm. How did the doctor know just by feeling my arm that it was a lipoma? I've got another appointment and I'm having such a panic about it. I'm starting to feel like I don't trust a doctors judgement anymore

09-10-15, 12:35
Deep down and logically you trust your doctor. There were a few moments in time when you were relieved and moved on but it's your anxiety that doesn't trust the doctor. That's what it does.

When you go back to your doctor, speak to him about a referral for therapy.

Positive thoughts

11-10-15, 19:25
Fishmanpa, I've never thought of it in that way before, but yes it is like anxiety has a voice of it's very own. was actually out of character for me to have such doubts, after all this is a doctor who has been very helpful on many occasions. I left with a prescription for a diazapam & was told I need to calm down as until then I won't be able to think rationally. I'm also going to therapy soon. Must admit I've had a few moments over the weekend where my thoughts have run all over the place, almost as if I need consistent reassurance, but I'm hopeful that the therapy will address that