View Full Version : Paranoid I have either Leukemia or HIV!

09-10-15, 14:35
Hi everyone.

So I recently was terrified about a few of my symptoms pointing to possible bowel cancer as I had some bleeding in my stool. I have a lot of constipation and I'm still struggling with it so I haven't really noticed any blood since the last time but I had an appointment with the doctor today and my fears have yet again arisen but this time I'm concerned it could be as bad as HIV or Leukaemia.

So I had a blood test about a month or so ago and when I called for results at the time I was told they were normal except my vitamin D was a bit low. Today I was told by the doctor (4 weeks late) that my iron had come back a bit low and that it was nothing to worry about as it could be anything from diet to period problems. Well, I eat a fair amount of red meat every week and I also find my periods are not THAT bad so I'm now back to severely stressing but this isn't the only reason.

The other reason was because I mentioned my night sweats (and sweating a lot in general) to her as I thought it might have been a side effect of my Sertraline I currently take (150mg). However, she said although it could be that, she wanted to refer me to a hematologist to make sure everything is fine, just as a precaution. She checked my lymph nodes and said they were not enlarged or anything. She said the night sweats could easily be due to hormones or even just something that occurs for no reason but the thing is I'm absolutely terrified as I obviously have had fears with the bleeding in my stool and the stomach pains and so forth.

I'm now thinking there's something much more severe going on and I feel so alone. Where before I was not TOO concerned as I had doubts and was reassuring myself I was still young and it was unlikely, now I'm terrified I have something severe and it's taken too long to get it diagnosed. (even HIV or leukaemia).

I have a referral to a Gastroenterologist (because I have had suspected IBS for like four years and my brother has ulcerative colitis) but that's gonna take even longer because I found out today that the referral for my ultrasound which they were waiting for before they could send my referral to the gastro off has not been received so now I have to tell my doctor to send the referral for the ultrasound off again. The longer I have to wait, the worse I'm feeling about all this.

I know the night sweats could be connected to hormones or medication side effects but I'm so paranoid it's much more than that. With the iron being low and stuff, it only concerns me more when I was convinced that my iron was normal because they had originally said that my results were fine.

I really hope that obviously this turns out to be nothing to worry about, but I don't really have anyone else to speak to about all this and I'm going through a heck of a lot of stress right now too. Thanks for listening!!

12-10-15, 23:43
There's a lot in this post lol

I just want to say I went through the same fear as you about HIV and I over-analysed it and obsessed over every minuscule way I could have gotten it. I got tested and I was negative.

If you're googling, and try not to, remember that swollen glands, fevers and the sort are symptoms of a lot of common way less serious curable illnesses and perhaps your anxious mind is jumping to this catastrophic diagnosis that is HIGHLY unlikely.

If your doctor is suspecting IBS, that's not HIV or leukaemia. Having blood in your stool is also a symptom of less serious conditions too!

I just want you to know that I know what you're feeling and it's rotten. Our minds are way too overactive and it's traumatising and exhausting. I got a HIV test which sounded insane to my partner and now sounds insane to me, and it just got that obsession out of my head. I have a long way to go too. I hope you look after yourself and feel better soon x

13-10-15, 01:37
I'm betting neither of these...

Positive thoughts