View Full Version : Piles of Health Anxiety Yet Again (Gross TMI)

09-10-15, 19:07
This was so embarrassing that I had to try and be funny with a title. It's a graphic problem and awkward so I'm just going to say it. I've had an anal itch for quite a while now and honestly I've kind of ignored it but it isn't going away. Now I feel like I get it hard to "go" and I have a tiny lump at the opening of you-know-where. It goes from sore to itchy as hell when "passing"

Being the idiot I am, I googled it and now it's telling me I may have cancer. I wanted to cry. I do have cramps a bit in my sides but I've often gotten that from eating something bad or even period pain so I don't know if there's a connection.

I haven't had any bleeding or anything. I'm so freaked out yet again. I don't want to go into meltdown again. Is it just piles? Should I get this looked at or am I wasting money on a GP appointment? I got cream in the chemist today. How logical is my worry? :(

25 y/o female here btw.

09-10-15, 20:21
Had the same thing. Could just be a hemmroid which are benign and usually just go away on their own. Also if you drink a lot of coffee, eat spicy foods this can affect that area. Trust me. Also if you itch it a lot it can become irritated. I wouldn't really worry about it. And itchy bum sometimes happens, don't overanalyze it.

09-10-15, 20:57
That's the problem with Google. You could do a search for this weekend's weather and it will tell you it's cancer.

Sounds like a good old Hemorrhoid to me. The cream should help over the course of a week or so. Try that and don't worry about it. If it's still there after that week or gets any worse then you should get it looked at.

09-10-15, 21:53
Thank you, guys! I am a coffee drinker and sometimes don't have the best diet. I know these are all things an anxiety sufferer should be aware of too. I don't feel panicky but Google just freaked me out.

It's not that bad. No blood. If I feel no improvement, I'm going to go get looked at but I'm hopeful it'll go away soon!

09-10-15, 22:43

I have the joy of piles. Just the one - on the inside lol. Use the cream - it will shrink it and sort the itchiness. If it persists then go see your GP (they just have a look) but it does sound like piles to me. They can be bloody itchy x

09-10-15, 23:31
I've had them for nearly 20 years going back into my weight training days (common due to the straining) and they come & go. They bothered me more in my early twenties though.

You may see some mucus in your stool and blood when wiping is common too, especially if the paper is the rougher variety, you are having a flare up or wipe too much. Itchiness is common but more with flare ups. You may also feel like some liquid is seeping into your underwear.

So, if you get any of that, don't let your anxiety take over.

Your GP will just have a quick look and may check for internal ones too which just means a finger insertion. Don't be embarrassed though as it's very common and nothing they aren't used to seeing all the time.

Look at your diet in terms of fibre and don't strain.

If they are itchy or sore, salt water baths help.