View Full Version : Always fearing a disease.

09-10-15, 20:10
Over the course of a year I've thought I have had nearly every type of cancer, ALS, MS, and lupus. I can't stop, it's like my mind is addicted to feeling like I'm dying. My current fear is a brain tumor, due in part to headaches, dizziness and a shaky/possibly weak right hand. The thing is, some of these symptoms go away the minute i'm distracted, but I cant stop thinking about it. I need help, i don't know what to do. If I'm feeling okay, then I start to think about when I might not actually be okay and it freaks me out bad. I just need some feedback or something, maybe some opinions, I have OCD, anxiety, and depression, possibly bipolar disorder as well. Thoughts?

09-10-15, 21:17
Sounds like you have health anxiety and some OCD to me. The fact you go between illnesses, that symptoms wax and wane, and jump between locations tells me you're probably a healthy individual with irrational fears of illness.

I'm exactly the same, a lot of us are. It can be hard to tackle irrational thoughts on your own, so as a start point I would suggest going to a doctor and discussing your anxiety. Hopefully they can recommend a good counselor for you to talk to about anxiety and coping strategies. You could certainly start by looking for coping strategies online and how to deal with health anxiety, it should give you some tips.

Use Google for positive things like helping with anxiety, don't look for symptoms or anything because it can't diagnose you and you will only make yourself worse.

Try to stay positive, use this resource for help if you need and know that there are many, many people in the same boat as you that are fearful of having a serious illness, but I've not seen anyone post on here that their fears came out to be true. The body has a way of reacting to stress that makes us feel symptoms, try to relax and a lot will disappear.

09-10-15, 23:47
This is so me at the moment also. Over the course of 2 years I have had multiple cancers and now my fear is als/mnd like you symtoms calm when I'm not thinking about them but im so hyper sensitive to my body and any aches pains or weakness that it's not often. Feels like I'm constantly thinking about it even when I'm not if that makes sense. At the moment I have hand cramps and what feels like arm weakness and finger cramps along with pins and needles. So of course I automatically think the worst. MND. This has been ongoing for a while and the root of all my anxiety attacks at the moment. I have been given medication and have my first cbt appointment on the 15th of this month. Heard nothing but good things about it so fingers are crossed. Hope thinks improve for you soon. Your not alone x