View Full Version : 24/7 Lightheadness PLEASE HELP!!!!

10-10-15, 01:07
Since last Summer I started getting very lightheaded 24/7 I did do alot of drawing for hours a time which caused bad neck pain I went to see an ENT my ears were fine and he said have physio I did and it helped at the time but it didn't get better.

Its now gotten to the point I cannot do any drawing, coffee makes it worse and it gets my anxiety up badly and is affecting my life according to doctors there is nothing wrong with me in other words they don't believe me its controlling my life I want it to end already and when I am out it gets quite bad yet I was on holiday this Summer in very hot weather 90 degrees plus and I only complained 2-3 times in 2 weeks that it was bad

Is anyone suffering with this and how do you get rid of it? I have had it over a year now I just tried drawing again and I got lightheaded I am going out today for my mums birthday so I can't not feel bad she doesn't understand my anxiety at all

Thank you

10-10-15, 08:09
Hi I suffer with this as well its always been a symptom i have had on and off with me but since I returned to work couple of weeks ago after been out of work for 4 yrs looking after my children i have had this feeling sometimes it's ok in the morning and as day goes on it gets worse other times there all day it's like in my head it like a giddiness feeling and bit like on a boat feeling and I feel foggy and out of it a bit eyes are also a bit foggy like everything not real if that makes sense is that how you feel or is it just lightheaded it's very worrying and I do feel highy anxious at work all the time like I can't relax are you like that unable to relax, I no its a very common anxiety symptom but it is a worry.

10-10-15, 15:48
I get exactly the same, I have it for months but recently it has got worse.
Most days I don't even want to get out of bed because I know I am going to feel bad all day.
I too have recently started a new job and I am sure this has not helped as I am constantly worried about the dizziness/lighthead becoming so bad that I cannot work.
Even on the short walk to work I feel like I am going to fall over or collapse.
This is definitely my worse symptom, but apart from having breathing exercises recommended to me there doesn't seem anything else I can do.
It is really getting me down.
Hope you feel better soon.

14-11-15, 18:44
I get this all the time. It's awful I hate it

silver blaze
15-11-15, 09:16
I get this every day and some days feels as if I'm on a boat wish the sodding thing would sink

15-11-15, 21:13
I have this some days but with me its related to muscle tension.Its a vicious circle , tense muscles, lightheaded, anxious about it and the circle goes round again.

15-11-15, 23:06
I hate to hear others dealing with it but glad it's not just me! I have it on and off...worst symptom which ultimately made me extremely anxious worrying about it.

At the moment, it's gone! Then next week? Who knows.

17-11-15, 08:21
I get this sometimes too but i think it is muscle tension and being unaware that i am hyperventilating