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View Full Version : I thought it was all over

13-02-07, 19:29
I am so down I really do not know where to begin. I have not visited this site for over 5months as I was fine, all PA's gone, life was fine, I was breathing without thinking about it, I had no heart attacks, I only went to the loo when I needed to, I din't sweat, or even think I smelt, everything was really good, I even began to forget my medication, and did not even have a panic when I realised I had forgotten, I went out, I had a drink, I chatted with friends and strangers, I drove my car without a problem, life was superb.
This morning I woke up and I am back to where I do not want to be. I have spent the day trembling, shaking, feeling sick and constantly going to the loo, I have had the curtains pulled all day, not answered the phone, I rang the Dr. the receptionist told me I was not an emergency and that I can have an appointment on Friday, not today.
I am sure she is right, but I wanted comfort, I have taken my pills, but they say that they take about three weeks to kick in, now I am cross with myself for not keeping on with them, I know I will get over it, but at the moment I am cross, cross cross.[V]

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.

eddie d
13-02-07, 19:35
sorry to hear this clarissa .
just remember you got over it last time and you will this.

13-02-07, 19:43
If I was you I would have found the receptionist insulting. Surely she could have got the doctor to talk to you for a while, at least?

But I'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling good today, tomorrow will be a better day!

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."

13-02-07, 21:03
Clarissa, your situation sounds kind of similar to mine. About a year ago now I was having panic attacks, it was shortly after I stopped taking my zoloft. I didn't go off it the right way by weaning down, but just stopped suddenly. That wasn't a good idea. Anyway, I got put on lorazepam and for a month or two struggled through the panic attacks and anxiety and got to be ok. No more panic attacks or real intense anxieties. I stopped taking the lorazepam and was just fine.

As I started feeling better in general I decided to take some steps towards getting off of my zoloft the right way. So I weaned down over a couple months, from 100 miligrams, to 75, 50, 25 and then none. For a few months afterwards I was doing ok, then slowly I started to get more and more anxious and finally had panic attacks again. This time it was truly severe and intense as I couldn't sleep, could barely eat and struggled just to make it through each day.

After a couple weeks of that, I decided to get back on the zoloft and the lorazepam. Now I am back on the 100 Miligrams of zoloft and feeling better, it took some time, a couple months, but I'm doing well overall. The symptoms have become manageable and I've learned many coping techniques.

I know right now this is really hard and I know how miserable it feels when panic strikes again. Yet, you overcame it once and will do so again. Remember everything you learned before, remember how you made it through just fine. This too shall pass.

I would also suggest reading through the different therapies and remedies you can find out about on this forum. Many of them are great and will help you with this. Remember you aren't alone, we all have setbacks from time to time and that's all this is, a little setback, even if it feels like the world has suddenly stopped.

God Bless you, you'll make it through this again.


13-02-07, 23:15

Sorry to hear about this.

I know exactly where youre coming from. When I feel bad, I want to be seen by a medic straight away.

I was being brushed off by my Doc, until my sister rang him up and had a right go at him. Ever since he has been lovely, really taking an interest. Could you not see another one at the surgery or just lie and say it is an emergency, I would!!

If you ever want your blood pressure taken, I know Lloyds Pharmacy do it straight away, free.

Thinking about you - Liz xx

14-02-07, 07:49
thank you - all of you, how strange it is that we all know we are NOT alone, and yet we are at times like this. I went to bed and tried to sleep it out, and although I did sleep a bit I know I am OK. off to the docs in an hour or so, but I do feel different today.
Thanks Guys - real help

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.

15-02-07, 11:00
Everyone suffers a few set-backs, just look at this as a learning experience. Once you've got over it you'll feel so much better, you'll have had the strength to overcome everything not once but twice!