View Full Version : Temple pain both sides,

10-10-15, 17:55
Last Saturday I had a headache , middle of forehead headache really bad, slept it off.
Woke up on sun with shooting pains in right temple, then left temple later on in the day.
Right side did subside for a few days but is now back,

Jan 2013 I had a ct scan done and migraines diagnosed (left side) apart from a few episodes over last 2 year , I have been fine re migraines. Now this has came and it is really freaking me out. Sometimes it's further back then temple area but roundabouts temple area on both sides.
I'm trying not to worry about it but can't help googling.
I'm at go on Monday.

Also last few nights I have woken up and neck has been drenched in sweats, this could be because I am wrapped up like a sausage roll in my duvet :whistles:

My main concern is brain tumour, but then I'm thinking pain would more than likely be localised to one side and not both ?
I'm trying to stay strong because my husband has been getting tested for Ms and has about 80% of being diagnosed in future.