View Full Version : Feeling emotional

10-10-15, 18:06
May be a Trigger

I know, That my life is not bad, I blessed with two beautiful children, I have a great support system but Every morning my anxiety is thru the roof, every time i find something different in my body or something start to hurt my mind start again to think about the what if, I gone to the Dr since April at least twice a month a so far everything is ok; because of all this i feel so depressed, I know this take time to get thru this, I do theraphy, take med but sometimes i feel im not doing enough. sorry that i feeling this way today 😔 because I feel I shouldnt.

12-10-15, 20:23
Rossvic, you sound like me. I have a good life, and I have more than I ever deserved, but I struggle with anxiety so much. Then I beat myself up over it, like how terrible I am to have all these blessing and be so holed up in my own obsessions. The more anxiety, the more I get down on myself. It's a cycle that, according to my therapist, can be undone, by learning to love myself and accept these feelings as they are. The feelings are lousy, I know, but there is nothing innately wrong with you -- you are experiencing a very rough time, and you are doing the best you can.
One trick I have started doing is when I'm feeling somewhat decent, I write encouraging truthful statements about myself... I am strong, I am intelligent, I am a good friend... stuff like that. Then when I get into my funks of anxiety and self loathing, I reread it, and sometimes it really helps me regain perspective.
It does take time, so be patient with yourself. You can do this!! Best wishes to you!

19-10-15, 21:54
Thank cat; for taking time on giving me advice and Your words are very encouraging and feel much better and know that I'm not alone. THANK YOU!!!:)

20-10-15, 04:22
Hello Rossvic

That's just how anxiety is, even if our lives our great it still finds a way to bring us down. That's why we have to keep fighting it. We have to see the great things appreciate the small things despite our condition.

You've been doing great, you're taking up medication and you're undertaking therapy. What you could add though is divine intervention and a more positive lifestyle. I find praying and meditation very effective in calming and relaxation. Proper diet and a healthier sleep pattern also works well with the medication it lessens the potential side effects of the drugs.

Don't give up, you're doing so well, keep being inspired by your children. God bless.

20-10-15, 15:49
Sounds like me too, morning anxiety is high. I have a great family support and friends. Also have a good job, but still having rough time with anxiety. I think the advice of focusing on the positive things in our lives is something we all need to do.

20-10-15, 19:05
Ray.olsen Thank you for your advice, Yes, I prayed everyday and when I fill down I talked to God to help me to get thru it and I get a lot of comfort from Praying, Meditation I'm trying but its still hard form me but I continue trying to see If can get to the point of helping me. God Bless you too!!:yesyes:

---------- Post added at 11:05 ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 ----------

Jade is nice to hear all this comments that I'm not the only one feeling this way, also I'm trying to be more positive is kind of hard but I'm trying my best. I hopefully I can master that soon!

Have a lovely day:)