View Full Version : How to stop worrying?

10-10-15, 19:23
I`ve had some issues with my studies and now when i have fixed eveything (finally) i feel a big releief. I actually feel happy, after so much time! It feels so freeing. But there is a part of me that still worries about it. It sounds strange, but every day i`m overthinking the issue which has been already resolved, and i expect that someone will call me and say that the problem is still here. I`ve been seeking reassurance and the people responsible for it told me that everything is ok and that ishould stop worrying. But somehow i still can not calm myself.
I think that when i worry i will "prevent bad things from happening"
Do you have any sort of advice, how to stop overthinking and worrying about something that os already resolved.

12-10-15, 21:22
It can be a bad habit to feel neurotic. If you don't have a part of your mind to counter it, calm, reassure and put forward counter evidence you can be at the mercy of it.

I'm ok unless it's an area of my life I'm extremely bothered about. Going self employed eased my anxieties a lot so if I have any "what ifs" about that I can want to freek out. I have to show myself why
"it's going to be ok".
"It'll be ok because of this"
"If it happens I'll do this"
"I can reduce the possibility by doing this"

Write it down if you have to so you remember the solution to the anxiety. Then two hours later when it pops back in there in the middle of watching tv you can remember the reasons why it's ok and they can consistently bring relief and a sense of control. It can also give you confidence in your ability to problem solve and fight back which makes you feel less at the mercy of those increasingly ineffective what ifs.

13-10-15, 06:17
Sometimes worrying is okay for it keeps us ready and prepared but too much worrying can lead to anxiety and even depression. What you're talking about is irrational fears, you worry about something that has already happened or something that hasn't happened yet. I think you should try some meditation it's really helpful in finding inner peace. There are many kinds of meditation, you can do the simple yoga/concentration, or you can listen to music (choose inspiring music not the ones that depresses mood), and prayer. I would also strongly suggest Cognitive behavioral therapy although it's better if you just consult a clinician and let him/her choose an ideal therapy for your case. As the saying goes prevention is better than cure, so as early as possible prevent yourself from having full blown depression.