View Full Version : One year of one thing after another.

10-10-15, 22:10
So up until January of this year I was for the most part perfectly fine. Yes in previous years I'd go to the doctor if I felt sick, but I could go years without going. Then in January I decided in my infinite wisdom to eat a marijuana brownie given to me from my sister. That is when things changed. After this I was feeling every symptom possible with anxiety, and I have had multiple blood tests for my thyroid, CBC, Vitamin D, I had a ekg on my heart, and also an MRI. Every time something came back negative it made my symptoms lessen, but something else would and will pop up. I also had many months of being light headed and feeling "not real/foggy". I do not wish to take medication, as the withdrawal effects are as bad as some of anxietys symptoms, and really all that will do is mask it and not help me get passed my anxiety. I feel generally in a much better place now than in January. But now for the last three weeks my tops of my forearms have sharp pains/achs, and my shins also hurt similar to shin splints. I was doing a good job about blocking it out and enjoying my life.

Then about a week ago I decide again in my indefinite wisdom to Google the difference between muscle pain and bone pain because idk which I'm experiencing. Well then good old friend WebMD led me to the horrifying discovery of what bone pain could mean (if that's even what I'm experiencing) and it sent me off the deep end. The next day I was crying in my car because I was convinced I have lymphoma (my left tonsil grew back, even though I now found out that could just happen). The pains are random through the day and mostly sharp and last for like two seconds and then leave (arms will still ach). I just keep telling myself this is anxiety, and I hope I'm right. To my doctor I'm basically the boy who cried wolf.:whistles: (I can't even enjoy my recent 26th birthday with all this going on)