View Full Version : Lymphoma concerns!!

10-10-15, 23:15
Every day I'm getting more and more concerned with the idea that I may have lymphoma. Although I'm seeing a hemotologist in a few weeks or so (because of low iron and excessive sweating inc night sweats), the idea that it could even be a possibility is plaguing me completely.

Today I had to go to a walk in clinic because I found a swollen lymph node, am told it could be because I'm run down and have low iron but I'm concerned about the fact I have low iron in the first place as well as the fact I have another possible small swollen lymph node under my armpit (not as noticeable, just it's been there a while and I originally thought it was a spot)

I'm really concerned that the results are gonna be the worst possible. I've been really fatigued a lot lately, and had bad headaches.

At the same time I'm currently on a period, and highly stressed so I guess it could just be that I'm run down....

....has anyone had swollen lymph nodes and had it NOT be anything? Anyone had anaemia and it turned out to be okay? Anyone suffer from night sweats on Sertraline or other meds?

10-10-15, 23:42
I have two swollen lymph nodes that i found a few months ago and they are still there, still the same size. I had two doctors feel them and they both said that they are nothing to worry about and sometimes they just stay swollen (i also had my whole family and even some people at work feel them :roflmao: ). Keep an eye on them, but dont check and poke them all the time, maybe check once a week to see if they got any bigger.

11-10-15, 01:01
I have three swollen node directly under my jaw (two on right, and one on the left). They are small, harder and move(moving is good is what I'm told.) I have arm/shin pain and also fatigued so I assumed it must be lymphoma after some online poking around. My doctor insisted that I am fine. And that sometimes they stay swollen, especially if you were sick a lot as a kid (which I had about 9 strep throats by the time I was 10 and had my tonsils removed. BTW one grew back which is what started this whole lymphoma scare of mine. Id say you are OK and just check every now and then to make sure they don't get bigger like the previous guy mentioned. But if you keep probing them you will make them irritated.

12-10-15, 20:05
I have swollen lymph nodes under my jaw and in my neck. They've stayed about the same for the 17 years since I first noticed them. If I'm sick, they get tender and a little larger, but they're always there. In fact, I have lots of lumps all over my body.

I also get night sweats from time to time, sometimes really drenching, other nights I don't. Usually I find it's down to wearing too much in bed, or just having bad dreams. I take Sertaline as well, so it could be that.

Point being, I have a lot of what you have and don't think I have anything serious (Most of the time ;))

12-10-15, 20:13
I can feel tons of lymph nodes in my neck and jaw since I was a kid. Same as the above poster - sometimes get worse when ill, but never completely gone.

I am not on sertraline, but am on escitalopram (also an SSRI) and have frequently had night sweats with it. One of the side effects is increased sweating.

I also get headaches really often and feel run down a lot lol I always attribute it to being stressed and not sleeping enough.