View Full Version : Please help breast worry

11-10-15, 05:18
Hi there am a 20 year old girl with ha mostly removing round me breasts . I don't have a family history of bc but seeing all over tv makes me panic. I've always had sore breasts and had them checked by the doctor last year who didn't seem concerned . I usually check my breasts and nipples multi times a day when my anxiety is bad. On both my breasts near my areoles I can feel something that feels like little beeds and I have completely freaked myself out convinced I'm going to die . I have looked at my breasts in the mirror and they both look normal. I think av felt them before but my anxiety wasent bad that time. Am going to get my BF to check it Tm but I feel sick to my stomach. Am scared to go to the doctor even if it turns out normal am scared they will want to do tests and refer me to a hospital am terrified.i won't even be able to get an appointment for another 2 weeks as my BF is working and only off weekends and I am anxious to get places alone. Is it at all possible this is normal and could just be milk ducts or mammagry glands ?? Please help

11-10-15, 05:39
I remember when I was in my early 20's and hormonal changes caused a lot of breast discomfort, they ached all the time and sometimes hurt.

You have been to the Dr and they didn't seem concerned right. I too can feel things in my breasts and I have had many mammograms and ultra sounds and there is nothing wrong with me.

Just relax and know you are ok.

11-10-15, 06:00
Thank you so much for replying. It's hard to not worry about it especially when it's all over tv and Internet 24/7. I wish I had my mum here so I could talk to her about these things but I don't so I feel so alone sometimes

11-10-15, 07:08
You really are not alone, I really do understand what you are going through. Just relax and know you really are ok. :)