View Full Version : Feel so alone..

11-10-15, 17:53
I keep thinking I'm going to be like this forever. I have a phobia of being on my own, I have to get 'babysitters' if my partner is going out. How am I ever going to have children? I used to love my own company and now I'm scared of it, it' been 6 years in Feb since I spent the night in the house alone or went shopping. I feel so mentally drained and fed up. Can I really live the rest of my life a burden? :emot-crying:

11-10-15, 18:09
Have you had any help from your doctor, or any therapy?

11-10-15, 18:12

Yes, I have had several sessions of CBT but not effective as I am still petrified of having a panic attack even tho I know they can't hurt me. I am on Seroxat 20mg, just feel so lost and drained

12-10-15, 09:37
I truly sympathise with the fear of being alone as this has been with my since a child ( childhood trauma) and is behind alot of my anxiety around health issues.
Has the Anti depressant helped you at all?
I have posted about my severe anxiety with insomnia episode that I am in the midst of at the moment and I have noticed that I suddenly do not want to be alone whereas I was much much better for past year so the anxiety and alone are def linked.

12-10-15, 16:03
Hi there, I understand what you are going through. I've had GAD on/off for 10 years and past 6 months have been going through a pretty bad spell. I've always been the independent type and loved my alone time before, but not now. I live alone and when I was at my worst I had my family staying with me for about 6 weeks and then gradually started cutting down the time they stayed with me. There are many times when I still would like someone there and I feel really alone. Usually I try something like reading or tv to get my mind off the anxiety. Or I can call a family member too. Can you try to spend short times alone at first? With me it was 20 minutes, then 30, then an hour and so on until I was able to stay a night by myself, etc.

12-10-15, 16:15
hi hun,

I really sympathise with you as I'm the same, since starting with my anxiety problems 2 years ago I've been totally unable to spend any time on my own in the house, I'm so frightened of my partner going away for the night on a business trip I have to go back to my parents for the night if he does, I don't really know what I'm afraid of but I think im just worried of having a heart attack (im in my 20s) and having no one there to help me! it's so hard to live like this and I really empathise with you, you're not alone x

12-10-15, 16:29
I also fear being alone. When I'm experiencing a panic attack or am just highly anxious, I ring someone as chatting helps calm me down. My therapist said that was my way of relying on others to bring my anxiety levels down, which is true, but sad nonetheless.

CBT only helps you manage symptoms; it doesn't deal with the root cause of a panic disorder. Have you ever tried counselling?

The fear of a panic attack is something I can completely relate to. You're definitely not alone :)