View Full Version : Aspirated food again

11-10-15, 20:18
I think I've aspirated a bit of a cracker. I actually felt it go down as I breathed and have been forcing myself to cough. My throat feels tickly and mucusy.

I'm also worried I damaged my throat in the coughing.

I'm terrified I'm gonna get aspiration pneumonia or worse.

God I hate that I always feel like this. I just want to enjoy life without being so terrified all the time.

11-10-15, 20:25
You won't have. It will have touched the side of your throat on the way down as it is rough. Your throat will feel like that if you've been making yourself cough x

11-10-15, 20:32
You won't have. It will have touched the side of your throat on the way down as it is rough. Your throat will feel like that if you've been making yourself cough x

I won't have felt in inhale into my lungs, or part of the way? I took a breath and it literally felt in time with the breathe that I felt the piece whizz down the pipe?

Is it normal for my throat to feel tickly?

11-10-15, 20:43
Believe me you would seriously know if you had aspirated I live with this very real threat every single day with my Mum and she aspirated a few times and it extremley serious so the fact you have typed it on here you are at no risk. Aspiration is normally as a result of a lack of swallow reflux from illnesses like strokes for example.

11-10-15, 20:44
Believe me you would seriously know if you had aspirated I live with this very real threat every single day with my Mum and she aspirated a few times and it extremley serious so the fact you have typed it on here you are at no risk. Aspiration is normally as a result of a lack of swallow reflux from illnesses like strokes for example.

OK, thank you very much that's reassuring.

I wish you and your mum all the best.

11-10-15, 20:50
It is highly unlikely, and even if you have, your risk of developing complications is slim. Your throat will feel tickly x