View Full Version : Scared to go out!

13-02-07, 21:46
12 months back while I wasn't perfect, I could see hope and a future. I was at least able to do things for myself without fear.

Since suffering all these symptoms, I know it sounds stupid but I'm getting scared to be on my own and scared to go out of the house.

I feel if I go out on my own I'm going to collapse and die.

Will this ever end? I don't seem to be getting better!

13-02-07, 21:52
Hi Russ,have you someone you could go out with to start with? Then you could move to going out on your own


13-02-07, 21:59
Hi Russ..
I'm scared too! I wish i could offer you some help :(

Sarah x

13-02-07, 22:26
hi russ
i know how it feels to be scared of going out and of being on your own, it took me nearly 2 months to be able to stay in my house whilst my hubby was at work (i went to my moms everyday at7.15 untill he came back from work at 5 pm) even now i go to my moms before he leaves for work,ive stopped worrying about it now though as i know i will eventually stay in my house when hubby goes to work as i am able to stay in the house during the day, its a horible,horrible feeling, so i know where your coming from, have you got someone that you could go to when you get the bad feeling even if its only for 10 minutes and then return to your own place, i know they say you should stay when the anxiety starts, but for me thats ok when you feel more able to cope with the anxiety, i dont see any harm in leaving as long as you return, could you phone someone like friends or family or a helpline even me ross, i found listening to relaxation tapes helped me a lot and knowing i could phone someone if the thoughts got out of hand, ross i do feel for you as im still fighting the urge to run which in itself is very tiring, feel free to pm me anytime

take care

denise :D:D

14-02-07, 07:21
I know my fear is not rational. There are far more people with just concern to worry than me.

Yet I still cannot break the fear! [V].