View Full Version : Advice from parents please

12-10-15, 14:40
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone had any words of wisdom about parenthood.
I am a married 29 year old and both myself and my hubby would love a baby. However, I just don't know if I could cope.

I've been on sertraline 100mg for OCD and GAD for about 15 years now and propranolol for 4. Down to 10mg a day so coming off propranolol doesn't worry me so much but the thought of withdrawing from sertraline is pretty terrifying.
Then I'm thinking what if I go crazy or the lack of sleep etc causes a major relapse?
How have other parents coped living with anxiety and being parents?
thanks in advance for any replies

12-10-15, 21:12
I've got two little boys. I was having a lot of social and work anxiety. I also had a bit of a fear about having a boy because of the poor relationship with my dad.ni ended up having two !

The early years are hard, when they're babies, I'm not gonna lie. Sleep disruption and the new tasks they involve are tricky. But then they start to bring lots of rewards. You care about them a lot, how thy feel, their safety matters. Then there's all the love they give you which is very emotionally rewarding.

They're new family members with personalities so there's those rewards. One of mine is good, thoughtful and sensitive and the other is naughty, funny, full of character and funny comments. I think they end up bringing you a lot more emotional improvements and rewards than bringing negative things.

Where your life might have been dominated by anxiety you can find its dominated by them instead. They matter a lot and that can be an improvement for you emotionally.

It takes over though. If you're not ready for your life to become all about them then maybe give it a bit more time. But when it happens I'm sure you'll find they bring lots of emotional rewards.