View Full Version : Feeling out of it

12-10-15, 16:33
I'm hoping that it's just allergies. Leaves are just starting to change here and we have recently started to burn wood. My eyes are puffy my chest tickles like I wanna cough. My head is buzzing and I'm exhausted. I feel like I'm in a fog I just wanna go back to bed. I'm worried it's or allergies because I don't have the normal symptoms. I'm not sneezing or have watery eyes. I took a claritin in hopes it helps. I just got up s few hours ago but i feel like I could fall asleep writing this. Anyone else get allergies like this? I'm not even that stuffy but I can feel the crap in my throat.

12-10-15, 18:32
Have the doc check your b12 levels x