View Full Version : Help coping with a boyfriend with GAD

12-10-15, 18:14
Hello everyone,

So here it goes. I will say that it is nice to read these comments. It lets me know that I am not alone. My boyfriend has (I think it's called) general Anxiety. So he doesn't necessarily have panic attacks (very rare) but its just a feeling that he has all day everyday. I know what he needs from me but it kindof goes against how I cope with things. He needs me to just be by his side and try and act as normal as possible. But it's so hard when his actions still affect me. I know he isn't himself with his anxiety and I think the issue is that now I'm craving to have the "normal" relationship back. I hate having to constantly watch what I say or not be able to react to something a certain way because it increases his anxiety and then we just end up getting into a fight. I love him and I feel terrible for just wanting to run away. But it's how I feel and it's starting to affect my mental health everyday too. I'll be honest, I'm not as attracted to him when I see his insecurities. He always wants to cuddle or be "lovey" and he always wants to do mushy things to show his love. I may sound crazy but I don't love in those ways. While yes, those things are nice, I don't need to do that all the time to feel loved. I like knowing that we don't need to cuddle all of the time to know that I love him and feel loved in return. I know when I withdraw and push away that makes it worse, but when I try not to I feel like i'm screaming on the inside. He may feel better but I don't. Is there any way for both of us to feel good in getting what we both want? I need help. I don't want to give up on him.

12-10-15, 19:21
My boyfriend has dealt with my anxiety for years and he certainly doesn't find it easy. I think it is important to not make your relationship centred around the illness. Easier said than done, but otherwise it will become too intense for you. Can you try to encourage him to find different ways to cope which means he is less reliant on you? Does he know how you feel? Or is impossible to even talk about the issue without causing an argument?

It's a tough situation dealing with someone else's problems! I really really appreciate my boyfriend for doing as well as he does!