View Full Version : Mrcp scan anyone

12-10-15, 19:20
:ohmy: Hope you lovely people can help me ,I was due to have my gallbladder removed Wednesday coming ,I had my pre op everything was fine ,next day the hospital phoned to tell me they have to cancel my op :ohmy: she began telling me it would be to risky and my surgeon wants me have a MRCP SCAN I didn't take all the information in my heart dropped my anxiety is at an all time high the thoughts going around my head are awful they said something about a possible blocked bile duct ,is there anyone had any experience of this ,its awful I had just come to terms that I HAD TO HAVE THE OP NOW THIS ANYONE PLEASE PLEASE ANY IDEAS :shrug:

12-10-15, 19:34
Well the scan is an mri scan of your liver/gallbladder and bile ducts so they can see in great detail whats going on inside you. If you have a gallstone that is stuck in a bile duct say or is blocked from some other reason then this will show them whats what. I would imagine its purely for your own safety that it is being done as a keyhole operation would be alot more difficult with a blockage in a bile duct.
They normally unblock bile ducts via an endoscope down your stomach rather than by keyhole surgery.
Could you ring your surgeons secretary and ask her to repeat the information - I am sure it is common for her to be asked this as no one takes it in when being given info especially over the phone.

12-10-15, 19:49
COUNTRYGIRL Thank you so so much my heart is racing so much stupid thoughts going on in my head ,please can you tell me I know it sounds silly but is the mri scan the tunnel machine ,I really don't have a clue and I thought better of it not to google :hugs:

12-10-15, 20:15
Yes its the long tunnel machine so if you are claustrophobic like I am then get your GP to give you a prescription for some diazepam just for the test as you will be in the machine some time, at least 20 - 30 minutes or longer. They always play music through earphones or you have earplugs in because of the noise the machine makes. The operator can see and hear you at all times and if you panic you have something to hold that you can press and it stops the scan and brings you out but if you can don't do this as they have to start from beginning again.
What I always do is ask them to speak to me every few minutes during the scan as this makes me feel better.I also close my eyes before I go into the tunnel and don't open them until I am out!

12-10-15, 20:23
oh god that's my worst nightmare arghhhhh but thank you at least I can try and calm down ,I feel so sick I really apprieciate your help and good advice xx :hugs:

15-10-15, 16:31
Hi, I had an mrcp before my gallbladder removal as I had previously had stones stuck in the ducts (caused ongoing pain and jaundice after gallbladder attacks) it was in the tunnel and you have a heavy belt placed over your abdomen, I just closed my eyes and pictured myself on a beach and I was fine! It was soon over and in my case was clear so I went on list for gallbladder removal - if it had shown stones they would have cleared them out first (down my throat - Ercp).

Please don't worry - gallbladder removal was the best thing I ever did

15-10-15, 23:35
Hi, I had an mrcp before my gallbladder removal as I had previously had stones stuck in the ducts (caused ongoing pain and jaundice after gallbladder attacks) it was in the tunnel and you have a heavy belt placed over your abdomen, I just closed my eyes and pictured myself on a beach and I was fine! It was soon over and in my case was clear so I went on list for gallbladder removal - if it had shown stones they would have cleared them out first (down my throat - Ercp).

Please don't worry - gallbladder removal was the best thing I ever did

thankyou so much you have made me feel so much better :bighug1: