View Full Version : Overdose

12-10-15, 22:53
I definitely believe my boyfriend has/is suffering from depression although it's not been diagnosed (he won't accept help) there's a lot more background detail I could go into but I'd be here all day.. In short today he took 12 paracetamol tablets. He's thrown up since probably about 6/7 hours later after eaten but this is common with him as he has gastritis..he also had a dodgy stomach after and says he's got a little bit of pain in his left side. I tried driving him to the hospital but he refused to let me, I don't know what to do.. How dangerous is this? What can I do to help him?

Thank you in advance, katie x

12-10-15, 23:04
Hey! :)
A paracetamol overdose can be potentially lethal, depending on the amount a person takes. I'm not entirely sure how many it is and I don't want to give you false information. But, I really do think he needs to see someone, just to get checked out to be on the safe side. Especially if he's being sick and has pain on his left side.

Also, the hospital may refer him for help. Because if he's taking that many paracetamol, he does need help. What you need to do is be there for him, also, if he won't budge, you can also try the 111 service? Explain how many he's taken etc. And they can point you in the right direction and if they think it's that bad they could even send an ambulance, they can check him over (the paramedics)

I really hope everything will be okay, stay strong :hugs:

12-10-15, 23:16
They restrict purchase of them to a maximum of 2 packets of 16 each to try to prevent spur of the moment attempts. But I really would contact 111 for advice. I wound also suggest you seek some advice from a GP about how you can get help for him and to accept be needs it. A medical professional would be very concerned about an attempt and it may mean that he needs some inpatient support whether voluntary or mandatory sectioning.

12-10-15, 23:26
When I was 16, I took 6 or 8 in one go. I told my mam, who told me if I didn't throw up, she was taking me to hospital. I can't make myself be sick so I got taken to hospital. I had to drink charcoal.
Paracetamol can wreck your liver and an overdose is painful. I really urge you to call NHS 111 for advice. Why did he take them in the first place? I'm working on the assumption he's taken 12 in one go. Was it a cry for help or was he in pain? X

15-10-15, 08:23
If you are taking the high dosage of any medicines then it will put more side-effects to other functional parts in the body. It is better to get consult with the doctor.

15-10-15, 13:47
The comments of the other members are right, you should stop your bf's overdosing tendencies. That could be extremely dangerous. For how long has he been doing that? Did he mention any particular reason to it? This is a difficult case since he is yet to be diagnose and ultimately refused to be helped. The best help you can do for him is to get him helped by an expert. It is essential that he gets the proper treatment and care. Persuade him to go that's all you can do right now.