View Full Version : son being sick at night

13-10-15, 06:24
Hi I'm really concerned about my son he woke up sat morning bout 5am and was sick on and off till bout 2pm he then woke up Sunday and seemed bk to normal eating dinner and tea and milk.wen to bed Monday morning 3am sick again couple of times, seemed ok during day not eating really but not being sick then this morning he has been sick once again around 5am and now gone bk to sleep in concerned ots something serious. He doesn't have a temp or anything has anyone's child had this please x

13-10-15, 06:40
I went through a bout of this in high school for about two months. Was told it was GERD. It can cause nausea even if there isn't pain present.

13-10-15, 07:01
I would suggest taking him to see a GP, Beckie. It could be something & nothing but it makes sense to get him checked out and any medicine he might need to get rid of it.

Being able to eat inbetween is a good sign I would say as normally with a bug you don't feel like that.

Kids have all sorts of things like this, I had many over the years. Given your own situation it's obvious you will worry about this but please don't think of anything serious because kids are always getting sick. My mum worked in a school for decades and bugs are always going around in those places.

13-10-15, 07:46
I took him to docs test he just checked his temp which was fine asked if he had had diarehha and that was it really. Said to come back if it persists. He didn't want to eat anything yesterday he only had a biscuit and Ribena all day. I just don't get how he was fine Sunday as though bk to normal then went ill again I just think the worse :(

13-10-15, 08:17
Maybe it is a bug or something and he felt a bit better, ate again and it was too early and it aggravated it? I know whenever I have had something like that my mum would say to eat something light and initially it may be something that is unlikely to aggravate the stomach like plain biscuits and then move into soup and then lighter versions of normal. Usually after a day or two it would be sorted.

You know your HA will run riot and think of the worst things and because there is no current answer you will be jumping to conclusions. Its bound to happen when it's your kids. But kids do get these things loads so just follow the GP's advice and I'm sure he will be fine.

13-10-15, 09:32
Thanks its just strange as he's fine on the day admittidly not eating right but isn't been sock and yet he waking up bout 5 with bad stomach then sick it just don't make sense

---------- Post added at 08:45 ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 ----------


---------- Post added at 09:32 ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 ----------

Please anyone x

13-10-15, 09:55
Hi beckie,

the best thing to do would be to get reassurance from your doctors, if they've seen him and sent him home then you should try not to worry, I know its hard but you have to try and trust the doctors as they know what to look out for in anything serious! if you're still worried then take him back in or take him to a walk in centre and insist on further tests at the end of the day you're his mother and you know him best so if you feel like something's not right then you're well within your rights to ask for him to be checked over!
like a previous comment says though children pick up all sorts of things and it is likely just a tummy bug, if he can still eat and he's not getting progressively worse than I think those are both good signs, so try not to worry. more than likely that everything is totally fine.
good luck xxx

13-10-15, 12:55
Thanks white I'm just finding it hard as he's fine in the day but is waking up bout 5am saying he has bad stomach and then is sick I'm worried bout a tumour or leukemia :( if it happens again tonight I'm going to take him bk up in the morning

---------- Post added at 12:55 ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 ----------

Has anyone's kids had this x

13-10-15, 13:20
I can't count the times my children had a tummy bug growing up and that's what this sounds like. The doctor was not concerned so follow his advice. It sucks when our children don't feel well but it's a fact of life and becomes more common when they start school. It seemed my kids had something every other week for a time when they were little.

Positive thoughts

13-10-15, 13:28
But he's not being sick in the day or night only bout 5 in the morning I just don't no why it didn't make sense

13-10-15, 14:51
I took him to docs test he just checked his temp which was fine asked if he had had diarehha and that was it really. Said to come back if it persists.

There you go. Follow the advice of the medical professional.

Positive thoughts

13-10-15, 14:55
He may also be picking up on your anxiety which his then making him anxious and feel sick.

just take him back to the drs if it doesn't settle

13-10-15, 15:00
Thanks I will worried now

13-10-15, 15:48
He may also be picking up on your anxiety which his then making him anxious and feel sick.

just take him back to the drs if it doesn't settle

I didn't want to say that but it's a very valid point. Kids pick up on so much more than we ever realize.

Positive thoughts

13-10-15, 16:06
How can he pick up my anxiety wen he's asleep ! He's asleep and then wakes up stirring saying he has a bad stomach and feels sick and then is sick this seems to be every morning so far.no sickness thro the day freaking out o just hope he's ok tonight otherwise I have to take him bk up tomoz morning :(

13-10-15, 17:32
How old is he Beckie?

The reason i ask is because if he is school age it could be something worrying him that is making him feel/be sick.

I went through it with my son when he was about 8/9 and it was only when i delved deeper that i found out he was being bullied in school and it was worrying him and manifesting in tummy issues.

Apparently anything a child worries over seems to manifest in tummy issues which i suppose is the same for us adults xx

13-10-15, 18:22
He nearly 5 so not long started school I'm just worried he's fine in the day and only sick at night I cant sleep coz I'm worried he's guna wake up sick its horrible don't no what to do I'm praying he's ok tonight I'm sick with worry x

13-10-15, 18:28
Totally understand where you are coming from, our kids are our world and i think i will always worry about mine!

My son's issues only manifested when he went to bed too, im not sure whether it played on his mind as he had more time to think when in bed.

I would imagine if it was something serious he would be being sick all day.

Keep an eye on him and maybe speak to his teachers too, the change in routine could have upset him too

let us know how he gets on xx

13-10-15, 18:37
I just read an article were a 6 year old boy was being sick every morning and had a brain tumour I just cry wen I think bout it x

13-10-15, 18:55
Don't go looking for articles or on Dr Google, you know that no good will ever come of it :)

Looking on the internet will always give you the worst possible scenarios

13-10-15, 19:19
I just read an article were a 6 year old boy was being sick every morning and had a brain tumour I just cry wen I think bout it x

OMG Beckie! Stop it! He has a tummy bug worse case! He also sees his Mum sick with worry all. the. time! Even now, you're logged on, looking up horrible stories on the internet and spiraling in a sea of worst case scenarios!

Kids pick up on this stuff! When my ex and I were going through marital problems, we tried to hide it and put on a strong front for the kid's. Guess what? They knew something was up. My daughter (5 at the time) asked me "How come you don't hug and kiss Mommy like other Dad's do?" It was eye opening for sure!

Log off. Go "relax" with your child, read a book or do something fun with him.

Positive thoughts

13-10-15, 20:08
Sorry just struggling at mo.it just didn't seem normal he's completely normal in the day and then sick in the morning I just assume if he had a stomach bug he wud be ill in the day too.

13-10-15, 21:03
It could be that he has a bit of acid reflux or indigestion so when he is laid down at night it is making him sick in the morning.

13-10-15, 21:07
What every night ??? X

13-10-15, 21:13
It could be that he has a bit of acid reflux or indigestion so when he is laid down at night it is making him sick in the morning.

agree it could be that too, so maybe a glass of milk before bed would help neutralise stomach acid a little

14-10-15, 08:52
I think milk is the worst thing u can give for stomach problems.

---------- Post added at 08:52 ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 ----------

Well he wasn't sick last night so good sign in hoping he's on the mend x

14-10-15, 10:12
I always drink milk for stomach problems

See - all sorted now and nothing to worry about again.

14-10-15, 10:26
It's only one night . I'm hoping he's ok tonight as well. He wasn't sick sat night then was sick again Sunday Monday so we will see x

14-10-15, 12:58
Beckie relax and try and just chill with your son, it seems your anxiety is at a high at the moment and im sorry for that i really am, but children are sick for many reasons, it could weel be the change in the weather, or as others have mentioned acid reflux, whatever it is he will be ok, the doc checked him and wasn't concerned. just focus on making him happy rather thean letting him see your worried

14-10-15, 16:05
I don't let him see me worried never have there just my world x

14-10-15, 18:20
You may not think you're letting him see your worries, but believe me, you will be. My son is 9 and he is in his own little world most of the time, but he has picked up on mine. I use Milk of Magnesia when mine has a sore belly x

14-10-15, 18:44
Thanks I'm hoping he's not sick Tonight

14-10-15, 18:51
You may not think you're letting him see your worries, but believe me, you will be. My son is 9 and he is in his own little world most of the time, but he has picked up on mine.

This is so true. Children pick up on our moods and stress. They just do.

Positive thoughts

14-10-15, 21:04
He's only 4 he didn't understand he's still not eating right and has lost weight coz of it I just hope he's ok tonight

15-10-15, 05:51
Well son hasn't been sick tonight yet we either so I'm hoping it just was a bug That is finally shifting x

29-11-15, 20:42
Update he has this horrible sickness again the same thing only at night and only had it 8 weeks ago previously been sick two night in a row so far no sick in the day little appetite worried why hes go try this again�� I cant see how its a big if we havnt caught it .

01-12-15, 12:49
I don't think your getting any resolution on here as people are genuinely trying to reassure you that it is in fact completely normal for children to be full of beans one minute and poorly the next. As a mother I know that mine are always the most ill on a night time I have no idea why. I'm finding it difficult to believe you are calm around your children when they are poorly by your threads on here. I wholly understand your children are your world as mine are to me but constantly questioning people's responses to your posts is not helping you and your anxiety one iota. I know first hand how crippling anxiety coupled with health anxiety can be as I have a constant battle with it but you to me don't seem to want to help yourself. You know in your hearts of hearts that this is going to be a simple childhood bug, my youngest used to get it on schedule every six weeks as she was just sceptical to them and yes they almost certainly started on a night time with her being just tired and off colour on a morning leaving her with just a very tired mammy. My daughter has an ulcer on her gum, HA tried to rear its ugly head to tell me it was going to be some form of sore from the result of cancer but I dealt with it head on, booked her an appointment at the dentist had it checked and just as I knew it was going to be it was just in fact an ulcer. I love my kids with all my heart and refuse to let my anxiety be projected over to them, you may not realise it but you are filtering yours through to your son when you have exhausted your anxieties around your own health.
I do hope your carrying on with Therapy.
Take care

02-12-15, 20:16

03-12-15, 14:27
Just had bloods done now I'm petrified waiting for results anyone no how long it takes for bloods to come bk

04-12-15, 13:08
Just rang up for results gota make routine appointment freeaking out now said he wud call me if anything was wrong? Crying hoping its nothing serious��

---------- Post added at 13:08 ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 ----------

Anyone please I'm so scared