View Full Version : BP worries.

13-10-15, 08:21
I know I shouldn't but lately ive checked my BP and it's gone from its usual 105/60 to around 110/80. I know this sounds normal but I keep worrying that's high for me and some things wrong.

This morning it was 105/80 and I worries aren't those numbers too close together? I'm having cbt and supposed to be stopping checking my bp as it makes me feel very worried. She said I had been stressed with the return of my anxiety recently so it's normal my bp is a little up but she said that my readings were normal and no need to see my gp.

I just keep worrying because randomly when I used to check it, it was always 110/60 even if worried or stressed. It's got me thinking alsorts. I feel much calmer the last few days so hoped my bp would be back to normal to reassure me since I last checked it last week. Now I'm back worrying again 😯

Any wise words to calm a silly woman who should know better ;)

13-10-15, 08:28
90-120 over 60-80 is ideal blood pressure, all your readings are within perfect range hun.

13-10-15, 09:46
Ok. Thanks hun xx

13-10-15, 11:01
That bp reading is absolutely fine. if you worried your bp will go up, even if you do it at home because your worried. If I go to the GP mine goes up because I'm worried, but that reading is fine a lot of other people would like a bp reading like that. If you are worried go and talk to your GP and get it checked there on a non automatic one. if hes worried which I don't think he will be he will maybe get you to wear a bp monitor over the course of a day and it will take recordings all the way through the day including at night.

---------- Post added at 14:01 ---------- Previous post was at 13:53 ----------

my bp was 126/68 and that's nothing to worry about and that's higher than yours so please try not to worry tell a family member to hide your machine. I had my husband block all medical sites from my computer so I cant google. try it, it might help even though it will be tough at first. all the best

13-10-15, 11:14
Thank you Donna.

This is a manual one, I know how to use them after nurse training. I know I shouldn't do it lol!

I think I am just worried because the bottom number is up as I know doctors worry more about that bottom one. It is usually 60 and now it's 80. I have been very anxious and stressed recently. I just keep worrying is that BP high or not quite right for me.

I know my GP would say that is good and not to worry. If I went to my GP though I'd be so anxious it would shoot up, it usually does.



13-10-15, 11:47
I always have to medidate before I do my BP as my anx sends it shooting up otherwise when I take the reading! have to be wary of how your anx effects the readings on any given day.
That said, yours is well within the normal range, even the higher one.