View Full Version : abnormal ecg helpppp

13-10-15, 12:34
iv had loads of ecgs in my life and once last year it came back unconfirmed t wave abnormality i freaked saw doc who said it probly doesnt represent anything i let it go

i had another ecg last week i dont know exactly what it said as they tried to ide it but it said abnormal ecg s and t wave something unconfirmed
im now freaking! they got me to hold my breath and it went to normal ecg then as soon as i breathed normally it went back to abnormal the doc i saw just said oh dont worry.... yeah right

i had another ecg a couple of days later and it came back normal ecg sinus rhythm? i woke up this morning convinced i have a hidden heart defect and il suffer sudden cardiac arrest please any advice would be great

13-10-15, 13:58
T wave abnormalities donot have to mean there is anything wrong with your heart, lots of things other than your heart can produce this for example higher potassium levles in the blood, fever and other things. There is one specific t wave problem that does indicate a real problem with the heart electrics but if you had had that one they would have known straight away and done futher tests. Sounds like your abnormality is non specific and probably of no concern.

I once had ecg by a nurse and was told I had really bad atrial fibrillation and needed to see the Dr ( was in A&E). As I have pulsitile tinnitus and can hear my hearbeat in my left ear I queried this as I could hear my perfectly regular normal heartbeat but she was adamant - 2 hrs later a Dr came and said the ecg reading was wrong becasue she had put a lead in the wrong place! He did it again and it was fine.

13-10-15, 14:08
Are you my doppelganger lol that's exactly what's going on with me now, my last couple of ecgs and I've had dozens that have come back normal have shown a slightly irregular rhythm and an elevated T-Wave which at the time I was told not to worry as men have higher T-Waves than women and that it was probably because I was worrying aswell. I'm constantly thinking I have an underlying heart problem and I'm gonna suffer cardiac arrest but maybe when I go for an echocardiogram this month it will put that to bed.

13-10-15, 14:34
thanks for your replies i had two ecgs a week prior to the abnormal and they were fine then i had 2 abnormal and it driving me mad i dont know exactly what it said i just saw abnormal unconfirmed the paramedic mentioned s and t waves
iv since had two normal ecgs i just cant settle at all i dont get why when i was having the abnormal ones when they made me hold my breath it reverted to normal then back again i kept asking doc why he just said dont worry ...i have a huge problem trusting docs because of past experience

13-10-15, 15:10
GPs don't always know what there talking about,you just got to be hardfaced with them and tell you want referring to a specialist,my GP a few years ago said my reflux was down to hayfever (which I have) and prescribed me antihistamines which was totally bizarre so I kept going back and eventually got referred to have an endoscopy and a 24 hour PH study which confirmed I had GERD and then I went on to have a surgical procedure called a fundoplication.

13-10-15, 15:57
Granted, there are good doctors and not so good doctors. It's important, especially with anxiety and an inherent distrust of the medical profession and the "what ifs" that anxiety causes, to have a GP you trust.

In this case, a 2nd opinion or at least something like a 24 hour holter test would go a long way in reassurance.

Positive thoughts

13-10-15, 16:08
I'm going to my gp tonight but they sick of sight of me lol so I'm sure theyl brush it off I'm trying to tell myself how rare sudden cardiac arrest is and iv normally got normal ecgs it hard tho when u so scared

13-10-15, 18:09
Not sure what you think the Doctors are doing here? Do you think they are telling you that you're OK just so they can get out of there and go to lunch early?

Were the ECGs run by a nurse or just a GP? Or did you see a cardiologist or EP?

When it's something as specific and accurate as an ECG that they're looking at, they can tell if it's anything of concern and would in turn tell you or run more tests. You could get a 24 hour monitor to be sure.

13-10-15, 20:08
the first abnormal was done by paramedics the second by doctor at the hospital
i saw my gp tonight who i explained what happend and said he isnt concerned but it arranging a 24 hour ecg to be sure
i cant help but worry i have intense aniexty at the moment and im literally petrified

13-10-15, 20:12
The 24 hr holter will tell them everything they need to know and hopefully will put your mind at rest.

13-10-15, 20:37
not sure how long i have to wait for it to be done but i hope it all comes back okay x

14-10-15, 05:28
My tip to you would also be to do some form of excercise on the 24 hour ecg. My doctor recommended I do this so that I basically get '2 tests in one' and they them wont have to do a stress test also. :)

14-10-15, 06:08
Thanks hun I so bad atm not slept pouring with sweat panicking I cant do this anymore :(

14-10-15, 11:45
I have had T wave inversions on my ECGS. I had to go on to have an angiogram and it was completely normal. It has been put down to coronary artery vasospasm. I was started on Nicorandil and Bisoprolol as I also have tachycardia. I had a 7 day Holter monitor when on the Nicorandil and no T inversions were seen at all, so maybe it is helping. The Bisoprolol has worked wonders for my palpitations and flutterings and tachycardia:D

I do still get some chest discomfort and it was a very worrying time but I have calmed down somewhat now and just take my medication and try not to think about it too much:)

14-10-15, 14:31
i googled like an idiot and now convinced it brugada syndrome highly deadly and hard to bloody diagnose! why do i do this to myself :'(

14-10-15, 16:51
i googled like an idiot and now convinced it brugada syndrome highly deadly and hard to bloody diagnose! why do i do this to myself :'(

Because you have health anxiety! Don't forget all the millions of web pages that say your abnomality can be nothing or something not harmful. We don't remember those though do we:lac:

I have never heard of brugada syndrome and I am not googling!

14-10-15, 17:41

Sounds like an Italian dish doesn't it? :) "That was some mighty fine brugada I had at Antonio's last night!"

Positive thoughts

14-10-15, 20:19
haha now it evening and iv calmed down a bit it does seem funny I going threw a stage of being too scared to sleep tho so I'm exhausted as was 3 yr olds birthday today but I don't want to give in