View Full Version : Breast cancer fear getting better then worse

13-10-15, 16:05
After being OK for weeks I'm back constant poking and prodding. I'm so worried and having to wait weeks for a breast clinic appointment. I had an ultrasound last December that came back clear. Should i stop worrying as it was quite recent?

13-10-15, 16:08
After being OK for weeks I'm back constant poking and prodding. I'm so worried and having to wait weeks for a breast clinic appointment. I had an ultrasound last December that came back clear. Should i stop worrying as it was quite recent?

If I were to tell you "Don't Worry", would it really help? You've had this fear for quite some time and multiple threads and reassurance haven't really helped.

Are you getting help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

13-10-15, 16:24
I'm waiting for an appointment for my anxiety.I have been OK it just pops up.in my head alot and my heart starts to race. I'm trying so hard not to poke away at my breast as I know I'll panic. I'm always quite positive as my gp said it was good that I had a clear ultrasound less that a year ago. And the lump I feel she said it feels like normal breast tissue. In just scared of dying and leaving my daughter without a mum

13-10-15, 16:36
Hi Jessica, It sounds like you need to address your anxiety issues and not your boob issues.

I sympathise, I really do, but you've had an ultrascan and everything has come back clear so trust in it & try to stop worrying. I have a huge lump in my left boob which caused me all sorts of stresses & anxieties (& lots of prodding) but since finding out it's fibrous I don't think I've prodded or worried about it once.

Enjoy time with your daughter my lovely and try to keep busy and focus on living.... not dying. Big hugs. xx

13-10-15, 19:55
Its so hard because I can be OK then I press against it and its sore then go back to worrying and thinking the worst. My gp has referred me back to the breast clinic but said it's to reassure me as I'm worried

14-10-15, 21:35
I've now been reading about woman who have had ultrasounds and their cancer hadn't been found on it ��