View Full Version : Sleep Hygiene

13-10-15, 19:18
Im really really trying to beat a bad bout of sleeplessness overnight, Im trying to follow all the rules for good sleep hygiene that I was taught on a lecture last year from Wellbeing but im strugglng.

Im BiPolar so Im aware that the sleep is possibly playing against my mania and that and rumination is keeping me awake, Im taking low level PRN Meds to aide sleep but not getting a break through as yet. Any tips other than those I list below ???

Bath before bed
Audiobooks on sleep timer
Mindfulness relaxation
No work with lit screens for an hour before bedtime
Tidy and Clear bedroom, no clutter
Writing down all o/s actions
Boxing worries up

etc etc .......

13-10-15, 20:51
I have found Valerian Root tincture to be very helpful for sleep, I don't know if this would be ok with your meds, you could maybe ask x

13-10-15, 22:58
I find reading helps me. It helps more when I can also visualise what I am reading so I go with fiction, not anything educational. I get the light off and use a book light.

Some people say magnesium helps them sleep. I can't say I've noticed this yet with mine but I've been using it more for physical problems so its probably getting used up on those?

14-10-15, 21:08
Thanks Terry / Sial

I find reading, for me, creates an over active state

15-10-15, 08:30
I was also facing the sleepless nights, all the remedies I had tried, but there is no positive effect. Finally I turned to take medicines and I buy Ambien that give me peaceful sleep and I am able to work properly.